Chapter 25:

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I was sitting in the kitchen table chair, back pressed against the hard wood as I stare a hole into the wall in front of me, sulking.

I didn't feel as bad as I did before talking to Soda, Pony, and Darry, but I still didn't feel the best.

I was so out of it that I didn't budge to see who had entered through the front door. It could be a serial killer and I wouldn't get up.

I heard Two, Johnny, and Steve as they talk amongst themselves.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me, but didn't bother to look.

"Hey, Kins" Johnny's sweet voice makes it's way from behind me.

I wanted to say something to him, tell him 'hey' back and be a decent girlfriend, but I couldn't muster up the energy of pretending to be okay, and I just continued to stare at the wall.

I heard another pair of footprints come up from behind me, "Hey, Kinsley, hey Darry, how's it going?" Steve's energetic voice asks as he sits in the chair in front of me, breaking my staring contest with the wall.

I don't completely ignore him and look him in the eyes before staring back down at the table.

"ohhh k" he responds, getting out of the chair and walking over to Darry who was doing dishes.

I saw Johnny and Two follow Steve to Darry, crowding behind him as Two quietly whispered, "what's up with her?"

Darry stopped scrubbing the dirty plate, and leaned towards the guys "She's upset about her brother" he says, trying to be as quiet as he can.

I heard, but I didn't even have enough energy to say anything to them, or to even care that they were talking about me right beside me.

They were silent as a response, only looking over at me with pity before walking away from the elder and spreading apart around the kitchen.

"Where's ol' Dal? He's normally here around this time?" Johnny asks as he eyes me, as if trying to see inside my soul.

"I yelled at him, and called him names... I think I hurt his feelings" I say slowly.

Everyone turned to look at me, "she's speaking" Darry says with a smile as he tosses the rag over his shoulder as he rests his back against the counters to listen to me.

"I thought it was impossible to hurt Dallas's feelings" I say feeling guilty of making the poor guy ruin his character.

The gang stares at me for a second, as if trying to gather their thoughts and what to say, "he loves you Kinsley. Even though he might not say it, he does" Two says.

"You're the only girl who treats him as an equal, and not some slab of meat. Plus you're the only girl who loves him for him, it probably just shocked him to hear you say that, that's all, he'll be fine once you talk to him" Darry says.

I smiled at his dad advice, he always says the best things to pick me up.

"Look guys, I'm sorry for being a brat the last couple of weeks, you totally didn't deserve that" I apologize as I remember some of the harsh things I said and did.

"Kinsley, it's fine-" I cut Steve off before he could say anything else, "no, it's not, there's no excuse for treating you guys the way I did. Especially with what you all do for me" I tell them.

They smiled and before they could say anything I speak up, "all this talking made me tired, I'm going to have a nap" I tell them as I get up from the wooden chair I've been sitting in for hours.

I walk over to the couch, the guys following behind me, and I sit on the couch.

Johnny sits on one of the edges of the couch, Two on the other, I place my head on Johnny's lap and curl my feet so that they can fit on Two's lap, I felt someones jacket being laid over top of me, and I closed my eyes.

Forever - Johnny CadeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora