Chapter 47:

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The orange and red flames looked like they were touching the skies, the black smoke enveloping the building to the point I couldn't make out what it was.

The loud moans and groans deafeand the sounds of screaming kids and yelling adults.

A school bus sat on the road, it's doors open as teachers rushed kids onto it, counting aloud as each kid gets on.

Dally drives closer, all of us staring in shock and horror, the heat making it seem like I was never cold in the first place.

"Some of the children are missing!" I teacher yells, her face panicked and eyes full of worry.

That's all I needed to hear, and before I knew it I was jumping out of the car, running towards the burning building.

I didn't know exactly where I was running too, the black smoke making it impossible to see, but once I saw an opening, where the fire wasn't as viscous I ran towards it.

My breathing was heavy when I reached a boarded up window.

The only entrance.

I was so panicked on trying to save the kids which I knew were in there, their screams loud and raspy.

I didn't even notice Pony, Johnny, and Dally beside me as I reached for one of the boards.

I reached my hand to rip off the wood, Pony following my steps, and I hissed in pain as surging heat shot in my hand.

I shook it off while we finished prying off the old wood boards.

Once the opening was big enough, I started crawling in.

"What the hell are you thinking!" Dally yells, his hand darting to my ankle.

I was too quick. 

The heat took my breath away as I entered, the smoke invading my lungs as I desperately tried to get air.

I already felt like I was going to faint.

I looked back to see Johnny climbing in, Pony following behind him.

"Are ya's stupid!" Dally yells, angry and stressed, but he quickly runs around to another window where he started to tear it open, where the kids were.

There were three sitting in a corner, smoke, sweat, and tears masking their crying and screaming faces.

"It's okay! We're gonna get you out of here!" I yell as Dally finished tearing off the wood on the window.

I quickly grabbed a little girl who was closest to me, and walked her to the window, handing her to Dally.

Dally quickly grabbed her from my hands, and put her on the grass where she ran towards the nearest teacher.

Johnny picked up a little boy, handing him to Dally.

Pony was the next one to try and pick up a kid, a little girl, her hands over her ears as she cried, Pony picked her up, and she bit his hand.

"Ow!" he yells, reaching for the kid again, bringing him over to Dally.

The groaning and snapping of wood became louder, we worked faster.

Johnny grabbed the last one, and Pony quickly climbed out.

I wait for my turn as Pony crawls through, looking out the window.

Kids were watching from the bus in horror, teachers were watching us in disbelief and shock, and Sylvia was still over by the car, her hands covering her mouth.

A piece of burning ember falls onto Pony's jacket just as he get's pulled out by Dally.

He quickly tosses him to the ground, laying on his arm, extinguishing the flames before he quickly popped back up, I was already climbing out, being forced to go first by Johnny.

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