Chapter 38:

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I beg to go with them. I should've known better, but it was worth a chance.

It was a straight and hard no.

From all of them.

Right now everyone is jumping around firing themselves up for the big rumble that was about to take place.

It amazes me that they have so much energy without any sleep, only getting their energy from omelettes, chocolate cake, and beer.

I sit on the couch next to Johnny thinking of the very few ways I can try to get them to let me go.

"Guys please" I beg, maybe if I annoy them enough they'll let me go.

"No, no way" Steve says, chocolate cake on the sides of his mouth.

"Why not!" I exclaim, standing up while throwing my hands in the hair, "because, I don't want any of those guys to even look at you" he says, "plus who knows with them socs, they might think you're a part of the fight, or not care and beat you anyways" Two adds.

"I'll keep a distance!" I yell.

I don't know why I was being so persistiant, I don't like fights, never mind seeing the people I love fight.  

But not being there, not knowing if they were okay or not was even worse.

I would go insane if I had to just wait for them to show up.

"Guys, I know you're trying to do what's best for me, but trust me, you're not" I tell them, walking up to Darry.

If I was gonna have to persuade anyone it would have to be Darry.

"I don't understand. Why do you even want to come? If I were you, I would hate to watch fighting" Darry says as he stops what he's doing to face me.

"Trust me, it won't be pleasant, but I would rather watch to know you are all okay, and none of you are daed. Waiting here would be torture. Besides Johnny's even going" I tell him.

He pauses. It looks as if he were going to give in, but my hopes were crushed when he said, "no". 

I groan in annoyance and stomp back to the couch.

I thought I was so close to convincing him.

"I can stay if it will make you feel better" Johnny says, walking to the couch, "no it's fine I don't want to make another person suffer" I tell him as everyone started to crowd around the door.

It was time for them to go.

Johnny gives me another look, "go" I tell him.

I wasn't lying when I told him I didn't want another person to suffer, but I also had a plan, and Johnny couldn't be here for it to work.

He nods his head and starts to put on his shoes by the front door.

"Please don't get killed" I tell them after they give Pony and Johnny a stern talk.

They turn their attention to me, smiling slightly, "we won't. You stay here" Darry says as he opens the door.

"I will" I tell them as they run out the door, yelling and laughing, the door slamming shut behind them, their voices still loud, "...not..." I mumble to myself as I quickly grab my switch, and my jean jacket from the couch, putting it on as I carefully open the door and walk out, making sure it doesn't slam shut.

I stay a distance back, but stay close enough behind that I don't lose them. 

They were still laughing and talking loudly as I followed them, ducking behind cars, and hiding behind trees making sure they didn't see me.

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