Chapter 16:

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When the ding of the oven's timer finally went off, I jumped off from my comfortable position on the couch and raced towards the kitchen, Johnny right on my heels.

With the oven mitts I opened the oven door and reached my hands in, grabbing the pan from the scorching cavern.

I place the hot pan back on the oven and shut the oven door, taking off the bulky oven mitts.

I'm tempted to grab one of the gooey fresh cookies in front of me, but had to control myself remembering they have to cool first.

"Why is this such a long grooling process?" I ask while turning to Johnny.

He only shrugs his shoulders as he stares down the delicious smelling cookies, I swore I saw some drool coming from the corner of his mouth before he quickly wiped it away.


After waiting the longest fifteen minutes in history, the cookies finally cooled enough for us to devour them.

I reach for a cookie on the pan, and immediately take a bite.

I wasn't expecting them to be this good, it's either Johnny and I are just naturals at baking, or we're so hungry that everything would taste good at this point... either way, I'm not complaining.

I'm surprised Johnny and I controlled ourselves enough to not eat the entire pan.

We offered Dally some, but he said he didn't want to be sitting on the toilet in pain after being food poisoned from them.

Johnny and I were sitting at the table in the kitchen, letting the cookies settle in our stomachs when Dally walked in, his jacket on.

"Come on, we're leaving" he says.

Johnny and I get up from the wooden chairs and pull on our shoes and jackets, we were about to head out the door when I remembered something; the cookies.

I quickly run back into the kitchen and grab a container and put the cookies in them.

When I get back to the door, I receive and eye roll from Dally, and a smile from Johnny.


We walk in a peaceful silence back to Buck's place, the sun slowly setting, the darkness slowly eating the sky up.

Once we arrived at Buck's Dally brought us straight up the stairs and to where his room is.

"Kinsley, you can take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch" Dally says as before grabbing some clothes and walking back out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I quietly thank him when the door was shut, and look around the room once again.

It hadn't changed much from the last time I saw it, just a bit more clothes on the ground.

"Are you tired?" Johnny asks me as he sits on the side of his bed, "yeah, I think I'm having a sugar crash" I tell him, sitting on the edge of Dally's bed.

I lay my back across the mattress and spread my arms out like a star fish, stretching and relaxing at the same time.

"Shoot" I say as I return to sitting on the bed. 

"What?" Johnny asks confused, "I forgot my clothes" I say, regretting my decision in grabbing the cookies instead of my clothes.

I mentally slap my self.

"Here, I probably have something you can wear for tonight" Johnny says as he gets up and searches in a worn down dresser drawer.

I feel bad for always having to borrow the gangs clothing, but truth is I don't have that much of my own, just a few jeans, jean shorts, and one pair of pyjamas which were getting really old and disgusting.

He walks over to me, a pair of boxers and a plain white t-shirt in his hand.

He hands them to me, and I thank him as I accept them, I don't find it weird or awkward wearing the gangs clothes, even boxers because I'm so used to it.

They don't find it weird or awkward either, because they are also so used to it.

I get up from the bed and walk over to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I get changed into his boxers and shirt and brush my knotted hair with a tiny comb I found.

After I was finished, I open the door and walk out of the bathroom, seeing Johnny already changed and in his bed.

I smile softly to myself at the adorable sight of him curled up in a little ball as he tries to fall asleep.

I walk over to where the light switches are on the wall and shut off the lights, the room going pitch black, blocking my vision.

I carefully make my way over to Dally's bed and crawl under the covers.

The sheets smelt like smoke, beer, and a hint of detergent. It smelt like Dally.


For some reason I couldn't fall asleep.

I was so tired, and comfy, but I couldn't fall asleep, so I just ended up staring into the darkness, making up dreams in my head.

My thoughts were interrupted when a slight whimper came from across the room.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, and tried to listen for the sound again.

When the same whimpering sound I heard last time was heard again, I sat up in the bed.

There it was again, but this time louder.

When the sound got loud enough, I was able to figure out that it was Johnny.

I quickly got out of the bed and made my way over to his bed, following the sound.

Once I could feel the edge of his bed at my thigh, I leaned over, and grabbed Johnny's slightly trembling body.

I gently shook him, "Johnny" I whisper his name to try and wake him up.

"Johnny" I whisper again, continuing shaking him.

I could feel his body jolt up, his breathing heavier, "Johnny, It's okay, it's me, you were just having a nightmare" I tell him as I soothingly rub his back.

He calmed down and his breathing returned to normal, "Johnny?" I whisper again, but there was no reply, he was sleeping again.

I smile knowing that he's in a peaceful sleep, no longer having a nightmare, and I walk back over to Dally's bed and get comfortable.

This time when I closed my eyes, I was able to fall asleep.



I just wanted to get a chapter out to you guys, so I hope this was okay!

I am working hard on this story, believe it or not! I have just been really busy with everything that's going on (I'm moving) so it's been constant work to try and fix up our house to sell!

Hopefully it will be done soon so I can get back to a regular posting schedule!

Anyways! Till next chapter!

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