Chapter 41:

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I would've been less shocked if he came through that door with a police uniform on.

How badly did he want to get in this girls pants?

I looked over to Johnny, and he gave me a shrug.

So that's why he looks shocked, because he is.

I don't blame him.

I assume everyone else is astonished because no one greets her, we all just stare.

She shifts uncomfortably in her stance, but she still carried her self like a... like a greaser.

Her shoulders were back, not an inch of a slouch, her feet weren't too far apart or too close together like mine would occasionally get.

Her arms were crossed to make her look intimidating, yet she looked at us with nothing in her eyes.

I couldn't read her.

I don't know who I was more jealous of, her, or Dally for dating her.

I finally brea out of my trance, shaking my head as I get up from the table walking over to her, reaching out a hand as I gave her one of my kind smiles, "hey, I'm Kinsley" I tell her.

She unfolds her arms to take my hand, I looked down as she shook it.

Her nails were painted a glossy coat of black, except for her pointer which was crimson red, her fingers were covered in rings, only her ring finger left exposed from the bejewelled metal.

"Nice to meet you" she says her southern accent clear, her voice light but harsh at the same time.

I was so conflicted.

Two, Soda, and Pony eventually got up off their stunned asses and rushed to greet Sylvia, sticking out their hands for her to shake.

I could see the way that they already looked at her.

I knew what they were seeing.

They were seeing someone astronomically beautiful, and I felt... jealous.

Not just because of how she looked, sounded, and held herself, but because of the fact that I would no longer be the only girl in the group. 

I felt selfish for thinking it, I was selfish for thinking it, but I thought it, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking it.

She wasn't even a full fledge member of our group yet, but I could tell that she would be by the way not only Dally looked at her, but the way Two, Soda, Pony, and even Johnny looked at her.

I would no longer be the center of attention.

But I had to draw back my emotions because it was Dally. 

I've never heard of him having a girlfriend before, and from the way he treats girls, I never expected him to have one.

But here she was.

Standing in front of me, her luscious pink lips raised into a small smile as Two told her a joke.

"I can't wait to meet the rest of you's" she says as she takes off her shoes, following Dally as he takes a seat on the couch.

"They'll be pleased to meet ya, they'll all be back later tonight" Soda says.

"Okay then. Dally told me about the rumble, how'd it go?" she asks sparking up conversation.

I stood there, still perplexed as the guys told her as much about it as they could, every last detail.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist, and I looked up to see Johnny looking at me concerned, "you okay?" he asks, grabbing my shorts and pulling them toward him so I'm facing him.

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