Chapter 49:

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I wake up to a hushed voice whispering my name, a soft hand placed on my arm, "Kinsley".

I look behind me to see a nurse standing over me, a tube of something that smelt of mint and medicine in her hand.

I groan in response, still tired.

"You need to head back to your room now, Johnny needs his ointment put on" she says, still hushed, I don't know why, she was gonna wake Johnny up anyways.

"I can do it" I tell her.

She tilts her head to the side, her eyebrows narrowing giving me a look signalling that I wasn't supposed to be here this late. 

I nod my head and carefully get out of bed, kissing his forehead before I leave.

I walk back to my room and crawl under the covers.

The bed wasn't as comfy as the one at the Curtis's, and it wasn't as warm as when I was sharing with Johnny, but I was too tired to even complain, and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I groan awake, yawning before wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

I look around.

The room was much brighter with the natural light pouring in through the window, and I had to squint to see the nurse in front of me, clipboard in hand.

"Oh, Kinsley, you're awake, perfect, there are no signs of infection for both you and Johnny, and you two are free to go" she says with a smile as she hands me a piece of paper.

This is a list of things that you should do to help your burn heal faster and easier, and below it is what to do if it begins to hurt" she says, "Johnny has the same one" she adds, "I've also called Darrell Curtis to come pick you guys up" she says with a smile.

"Thank you" I tell her and she nods her head before leaving my room.

I get up and get changed into the pair of clothes that Darry had brought Johnny and I, and brushed my hair as best as I could with my fingers.

I walked out of my room and headed over to Johnny's to see him pulling on his clean shirt, "hey" I greet him, walking up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist, being careful of his burns.

"Hey" he greets me back, turning around while still in my arms.

"Let's get out of here" he says with a smile, I nod my head and we walk out.

Darry was in the waiting room, and he greeted us with hugs before walking us back to his car, "I have a big dinner planned tonight, in honour of the four hero's" he says with a smile as we get in.

"You didn't have to" I tell him honestly, "I wanted to. I'm so proud of you's. I think you're stupid, don't get me wrong, but I'm so proud" he says looking back at Johnny and I before starting up the engine.

"What do you plan on cooking? Or is it some big surprise?" I ask curiously.

"Chicken parmesan" he says with a smile as we begin driving.

I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the ride.


When dinner was ready, we all sat down and ate, but I couldn't enjoy the meal because of Sylvia.

She kept looking at Johnny, her eyes were all over him.

I couldn't even say anything because no one else noticed, they were all paying close attention to the meal in front of them.

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