Chapter 51:

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Tomorrow is Johnny's birthday.

Tomorrow he will be seventeen.

I didn't realize how much older Johnny was than me.

My birthday is still in a few months, and Johnny is already turning a year older.

He looked older too.

I really realized it while cutting his hair.

I tried not to look in the mirror to see his handsome face, or else I would become distracted and accidentally cut my finger. It already happened once, I don't want for it to happen again.

I comb my hand through his soft un-greased hair, a bandaid that Johnny delicately wrapped around my ring finger to prevent the ooze of my scarlet blood.

I continue to make precise cuts, making sure not to nip his ear or his neck when I get to the tough places.

Once I was finished cutting his hair, I ran a real comb through it, brushing out the few knots.

I look into the mirror, the deadly scissors placed on the counter in front of me as I admire all his features.

His shoulders have widened out, his face lost his baby cheeks, giving him a defined face, his lips have filled out. He looked so much older.

"Done" I tell him, a faint smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

He stands up from the chair, turning to face me. His features standing out so much more when he was right in front of me.

"Thank you" he says.

Even his voice was deeper, and he's grown taller. I needed to stand on my tip-toes to reach his plump lips.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asks, a hint of red on his cheek, "you're so handsome" I tell him honestly.

But that didn't even begin to describe him.

"Do you want to stay the night? I'm sure Darry will make an exception because of your birthday tomorrow" I tell him. I really wanted to be with him tonight.

I wanted him to tonight... I needed him.

The corner of his lips drop to a frown, "Dally's making me head back to Buck's with him. But we are still on to hang out tomorrow, right?" he asks.

My heart drops when he says he can't stay the night, but returns back to normal when I remember I can hang out with him all day tomorrow. I nod my head, "yes" I tell him, standing on my tippy toes to kiss him again.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I tell him, kissing his cheek before I stand normally on my feet.

"Don't party too hard with Dally tonight" I say with a smile.

He laughs before saying goodbye, walking out the bathroom door, then finally the front door with Dally.

I had trouble falling asleep.


I was awake when the first hint of sunshine shone through the curtains on my window.

I hastily crawl out of bed, rushing to my dresser to get dressed.

I couldn't wait for today.

I had so much planned for Johnny.

I ran out of my room after finishing changing and ran past the kitchen where Darry was cooking.

"Where are you going?" he asks as I rush to put on my shoes.

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