Chapter 27:

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*Two days later*

It was late at night, and the gang and I just finished a movie night. 101 Dalmatians.

I loved the movie, so did everyone but Dally. He was constantly complaining that they should've killed a puppy.

How I'm still friends with him? I don't know.

Near the end of the movie Johnny ended up falling asleep in my lap.

He was so cute and peaceful when he sleeps. He reminds me of a baby deer and a koala rolled into one cute hybrid.

"Johnny" Dally says as he walks over to the couch while trying to wake him up.

"Don't you dare wake him up" I hiss.

I didn't want him to wake up because, one, he was so cute, and two because I was so comfy and warm.

Dally rolls his eyes at me, "we gotta go back to Buck's" he says, reaching to poke Johnny awake.

I quickly swat his hand away, "he can stay here the night, he's not going back with a puppy killer" I say as I gently rub Johnny's back, light enough so I won't wake him, but hard enough so I can feel him.

Dally looks at me then Darry before putting his hands in his jacket pockets, "I didn't kill any puppies" he says, "but okay" he adds as he walks out the door.

I look at Darry and say, "can Johnny stay the night?" I ask and Darry raises his eyebrows, "I'm surprised you asked" he says in a teasing manor.

I gave him a pleading look, working my puppy dog eyes the best I could, "yes he can" he replies with a huff as he rolls his eyes.

"Thanks Darry" I say quietly.

It was already pretty late, everyone went home, and Soda and Pony were in bed sleeping while Darry, Johnny, and I were still in the living room.

Darry was reading a newspaper, with the lamp beside him on, as I quietly watched TV, the volume as low as it can go.

After a while, I could feel myself getting tired.

Darry went to bed, and I figured I should too.

I grab the remote, and shut off the TV, the room going pitch black.

I carefully move Johnny off of her lap and moved him closer to the back of the couch.

I then try to find my way to my room to get a blanket with out tripping over something or running into something.

I finally reach my room, and grab the extra blanket on my bed and carefully find my way back to the living room.

I gently put it on him, trying my best not to wake him.

Once I succeeded, I crawled under the covers with him and cuddled in close to him, my face in his chest as I slowly start to drift off.


"I can't believe you let them sleep together" 

I wake up to Soda's voice.

"What happened to the strict bad guy?" Two says.

I was about to get up, but realized I was still in Johnny's arms, my face in his warm chest.

"Guys, be quiet, don't wake Kins up" he says softly.

I smile.

"Woah, sorry" Steve says.

I finally move and sit up, the light from the windows blinding me momentarily.

"I'm already up" I tell them.

"Great going guys" Johnny says annoyed as he looks at me, "how'd you sleep?" he asks sweetly, butterflies flying in my stomach as I spot his morning bed head.

"Good, how about you? You went to bed early last night" I say, as I wrap an arm around his side, so that my hand is on his back, bringing him closer to me.

Johnny blushes as he smiles, "good" he says, and I smile as a response.

Before Johnny and I could say anything else Darry speaks up, "I need to go a few towns over for work tomorrow" he says.

A fun idea popped in my head.

A tiny road trip? That would be so much fun.

I looked at Johnny, and he smiled nodding his head, getting the same idea that I was.

"Can we go with you?" I ask.

Darry turned to face us, "it would be for a few days" he says.

I look back over to Johnny to see if he was okay with it, and he nodded his head yes.

"We don't mind" I tell him, "come on, I want to get out and have some fun" I tell him.

Darry shakes his head side to side while a tiny smile appeared on his face, "fine, you can come. Start packing" he says, and I jump up excitedly. 

"Johnny, you should probably meet us here at around 4:30 because we're leaving at 5:00" he says.

"5:00?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Still wanna come?" he asks with a smirk.

"Still wanna come?" I say as I mock him with an annoying tone quietly so only I could hear.

"Of course I want to go" I respond as I turn back around to go pack.




I don't want to go anymore.

"Ow!" I yell in both pain and annoyance as I stub my toe on the bed leg.

Darry woke me up five minutes ago telling me to 'hurry up, and get ready' and now I was running around in my room, still half asleep as I grab all my stuff.

"Why'd we have to get up so freaking early" I mumble to myself as I pick up my bag.

"Because we have to go, now" Darry says from the doorway.

"And watch your mouth" he says turning to walk back into the living room, "I said freaking, you freaking deaf freaking dummy!" I yell as I storm behind him.

The living room looked much more creepy, yet so much more calm early in the morning, the dark sky, and the yellow tinted lights, one of them slightly flickering.

Johnny was sitting on the couch, his hand on the side of his head, elbow on the shoulder of the couch as he tries desperately to keep his eyes open.

I was still grumpy from being awoken from my peaceful slumber, but I managed to give a nice enough smile to Johnny, who was probably too out of it to notice if it looked a bit strained. 

Darry had his own bag in his hand, "want me to carry that for you?" he asks me as he sees me struggling with my bag.

I walk over to him, and shove my bag toward his other hand. He rolls his eyes and takes the bag.

We walk outside into the cool air, making sure to shut off the lights before we go.

Darry unlocks the truck, and Johnny and I crawl into the back seat, leaving Darry to put the bags in the very back.

He gets in the drivers seat, "thanks for the help" he says sarcastically "ugh huh" we respond together, too tired to say anything else.

"Buckle up" he says as he starts the truck.

Slowly, we do so, and Darry starts to drive.

Johnny was on the right side, his head leaning against the door as I sat in the squishy middle, head leaning on Johnny's shoulder, blankets keeping us warm.

So comfortable.

Okay, first chapter back after forgetting my password, a thousand more to go! Also sorry if the chapters seem to be rushed, I'm trying my best not to rush them, but... I'm in a rush. Again, so so SO sorry!

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