Chapter 24:

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When I get back, I open the door and see Darry, Soda, and Pony sitting on the couch as if they were waiting for me.

"Where have you been?" Darry asks in his dad tone as he stands up from the couch, a worried look on his face.

"Hanging out with the socs" I tell them, their eyes widening from my answer.

"What the hell were you doing hanging out with the socs?" Soda asks as he stands up beside Darry, "and why so late?" Pony joins in, making a line in front of me.

"My life is more than just you guys! I don't want to be a nobody forever!" I yell at them as I storm off to my room.

I don't know why I kept picking fights with everyone, it's like I wanted to cause an argument everywhere I went.

Not trying to make excuses for my behaviour, but everyone joining in on me took me by surprise. 

I was expecting Darry to be all grumpy, because that's his normal mood, but I wasn't expecting Soda to raise his voice at me, and I wasn't expecting Pony to join in on the questioning.

For once I was actually feeling tired, so I tried using that to my advantage and went straight to bed.


Two hours had past, and I still wasn't asleep.

I was tired, but I couldn't sleep.

I was too afraid to close my eyes because every time I did a flashback would play.

I was struggling to keep my eyes open when suddenly they closed on their own, another flashback playing, only this time as a nightmare.

My heart pumped fast in my chest as I was tied down to a hard wooden chair which made my butt ache from how long I've been there.

I stared wide eyed and afraid at the sight in front of me.

The water was boiling, all the while my so called "mother" waited, a bowl in her hand.

"Please don't do this. Anything but this" I beg as I try to escape from the tight rope around my hands.

It was useless as expected, only giving me more rope burn on my wrists.

"No! I'm doing this! You deserve this you little shit!" she yelled, her voice filled with hate.

"What did I do?" I question loudly as I could feel my eyes tearing up.

"I saw the pack of candy you had under your bed" she growled, the kettle whistling, signalling the water inside was boiling hot.

I couldn't speak as I watched her pour the steaming hot water into the bowl, a devilish grin on her face.

Once she was finished she walked over to me, "no, no, please!" I yell, but she didn't listen. Instead she grabbed my left arm, and pulled up my sleeve to my elbow, just enough so that the forearm was bare.

My eyes bulged out of my head in fear and anticipation as she started to slowly tilt the bowl.

I leaned my head back, not wanting to watch, but it didn't help with the agonizing pain when the scorching water splashed on my forearm.

I screamed and yelled in pain, my legs kicking violently, my head tossing from side to side.

By then the tears that were in my eyes were on my cheeks, dripping onto my shirt and floor.

The pain lessened as she stopped pouring, and I finally was able to breath.

That is till I felt the same pain again, just a little up from where the other burn was, making it's way across my entire left side of my body.

I screeched  as I feel myself begin to drift into unconsciousness.

I jolt awake, my head pounding violently as my heart threatens to jump out of my chest.

I could feel a tear stroll down my cheek.

Was this ever going to end?

I get out of the bed, and struggle to find the light.

Once I do, I flick it on, and open my door quietly.

The rest of the house was completely silent and pitch black.

I kept my door open for lighting so I could make my way to the kitchen.

Once I successfully made it to the kitchen, I opened the fridge, and slightly smiled once I saw what I was looking for.

I pull out the bottle of beer and shut the fridge.

I looked up, and jumped once I saw a figure standing in front of me, but I soon relaxed once I realized it was Soda.

"Kinsley, put the beer away" he says calmly, his eyes still half shut from just waking up.

"I'm not some baby. Stop treating me like one" I fire at him.

He takes a deep breath before walking closer to me, a sympathetic look on his face.

"What is going on with you?" he asks concerned.

I stare at him, shifting on my feet debating if I should tell him or not.

The puppy dog look in his eyes made me cave. I put the beer on the counter with a deep breath.

"I don't know" I sigh as I look down at my feet.

"I haven't been sleeping, I keep having flashbacks and nightmares of Joey and the beatings, I've been so stressed out and anxious... and I... I don't know what to do" I tell him, more tears strolling down my cheeks.

I looked up and saw Soda staring at me with comforting eyes, "I've been taking out my nerves on everyone I love, and I'm... I'm sorry" I tell him, completely breaking down.

I watched as Soda's comforting eyes slowly widen, a hint of panic in them.

"It's okay, we didn't take it personally, we knew there must've been something wrong" he says as he pulls me into a hug.

His hug made me feel at ease, his warmth and smell of toothpaste and mint slightly calming.

I then felt more bodies around me, and looked up to see Darry and Pony standing beside me.

"We're here for you, Kinsley" Pony says as both him and Darry hug me to form a group hug.

I slightly smiled, as I pulled my hands from Soda's chest and wrapped it around him to hug him back.

"I love you, kid" Darry says, "I love you too, Kinsley" Pony adds on, "and I love you too" Soda says, there hug getting tighter as they pulled me closer.

My eyes widen.

No one has ever said that to me before, only Joey.

I was surprised that they could love someone like me, and I was fully questioning it, but instead of ruining the moment with my insecurities, I held onto Soda tighter, and said "I love you guys too".


I don't know why, but this made ME cry, and I'm the one who wrote it and saw it coming.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, I know it was short, but I didn't want to add the rest of the part because I want that to be it's own chapter.

Till next chapter guys!

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