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I wrote this when i was 16 in the middle of the pandemic bc i was bored. The character Scarlett was originally written as my age at that time (bc i thought that was ok for some reason bc they do that shit all the time on vampire diaries & some of yall better stfu bc klaus was like estimated to be 20 when he died and Damon's ass was 25) But with that being said i did go back and edit most of it to make her turn 18 and be 17 in a few of the beginning chapters. Love the supporters but if ur just coming to comment "omg we r Elenas sister like every fanfic😩😩😩" or "OMG WR R A MINOR" hop off bc ur a cornball and the whole show was based around minors gettin w 100 year olds😑its not real mamas

"Oh! Come on, Seriously?" Caroline shouts at Matt as the group of teens all jumped, startled by the 30 something mouse traps that had just been set off.

"Forgot about Senior Prank night, huh?" Tyler chuckled.

"Clearly." Matt mutters under his breath as he looked around at all the traps in amazement.

"How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year."

"Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this. Scarlett you aren't even a senior." Matt raised an eyebrow at me as I crouched down on a desk, avoiding the traps as I reset them.

He was right. I was actually a junior this year, but I decided to participate in senior prank night because Elena practically guilted me into  giving a helping hand to my 'poor older sister'.

I would've been stuck at home alone anyways, plus i'm sure they appreciate the help.

"I just wanted to help." I said, looking up from the mouse trap I was focused on resetting.

"Carolines forcing the rest of us." Bonnie sighed.

"We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever, and if we don't-" Caroline began her emotional rant but was cut off by Elena.

"And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?" Elena said, already knowing how the familiar speech would end.

"Go ahead and make fun, I don't care." The blonde sighs, crossing her arms.

"You're all lame. And I've got ten more classrooms to prank." Tyler announces nonchalantly before grabbing his bag and exiting.

Elena begins following the boy out.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Bonnie calls after her.

"To superglue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories." She smiles at Caroline and received one back.

"Ill come!" I announced before carefully hopping off of the desk.

"I love you!" Caroline calls out to Elena and I in excitement to finally get some participation.

Elena and I exited the classroom, walking past Tyler as he instructed other seniors. We both looked at each other and laugh at the ridiculous saran wrap prank we overheard before opening the double doors.

"Wait so can we get sued or something for gluing his desk shut...?" I ask, scrunching my nose before hearing a loud gasp from my older sister from behind me.

"There's my girl." An unfamiliar voice spoke with a strong accent. I turned around to lay eyes on the man, he had dirty blonde curly hair and a smirk on his face. He stood there, gripping my sister. His eyes then flickered to me as I stood in shock. "Or should I say girls."

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