sixty one

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"Keep them down here until we're ready to bring Klaus in." Tyler says to one of the hybrids, a brunette girl who I've learned is called Kim. He drops metal chains in front of her. "Use these if you have to." I shiver slightly involuntarily.

The old Lockwood cellar apparently had no heating which really sucks when you're wearing a spaghetti strap dress.

"Come on, Tyler, this is bigger than you. It's about more than revenge for us." Stefan says, stepping closer to Tyler.

"I know what it's about for you, Stefan. It's about the cure. You know what happens to a hybrid when he's cured of being a vampire? We go back to being werewolves; turning on every full moon. We could give a rat's ass about the cure." Tyler speaks coldly before walking past the man to Caroline.

"Tyler, come on." She say, stepping forward. He shakes his head.

"I needed you on my side, Care. That's all I wanted." He says, a small frown forming on his face. He glances to me only for a moment, his softened features vanishing and being replaced with a cold glare. He then turns and exits the cell, leaving us with the creepy ass hybrids.

Caroline lets out a small sigh of frustration before looking to me in concern.

"You okay?" She asks, stepping closer. I nod. Probably not the best question to ask at the moment. I was locked in a cell while Tyler went out to essentially kill Klaus and my sister would have no shot at getting the cure- of being back to normal. No matter what cruel things Elena did in her anger, I would never not want the best for her.

And as for Klaus I could only really explain my want for him to be alive because of the simple fact that I liked him- even if I wish I hadn't. I wish my heart didn't feel heavy when I thought about something happening to him.

"Maybe she's scared of Klaus dying." Kim speaks sinisterly, looking to me. I furrow my eyebrows at her comment. "Aren't you the one he was fucking in secret?" My confusion is replaced with anger. This girl was already pissing me the fuck off. I stay quiet though. I couldn't really do much to defend myself.

I felt horrible enough as it was. Trust me.

"Well I guess it isn't that much of a secret anymore." She shrugs with a small smile of amusement. Caroline eyed the hybrid in annoyance from beside me.

"Shut the hell up." Stefan grunts from where he leaned against the wall. He was a few inches away from me, which I took notice of.

"Sorry, did I hit a nerve?" She taunts. She's seriously taking this hostage thing a bit too far.

"Kim. Drop it. Seriously." Another Hybrid speaks up. A boy with dark hair and matching eyes.

"They gave up one of us for her brother to kill- and now you want me to go easy on them?" She says in annoyance.

"You guys don't have to do it this way. It won't end well." I speak, everyones eyes snap to me. Kim steps closer, looking me up and down.

"You don't know anything about what we've had to deal with, little girl. Don't try to act like you want whats best for us." She says. I shake my head at her assumption.

"I don't want any of you dead. You will be if you try to follow through with this bullshit plan." I say. She raises a brow, slightly taken back by my words. Caroline looks at me in confusion.

"You think it's bullshit because Klaus will end up dead, right?" Stefan speaks up. I furrow my eyebrows at him. Wasn't he just anti kill Klaus?

"Guys." Caroline sighs, sensing there would be a fight.

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