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"Ew no I can't do it." I say, slipping the turtle neck that I had borrowed from Elena off my body. I've never looked so horrendous in something.

I peer at the mark on my neck in the mirror in disgust. It was so ugly. I run my fingers across it.

Memories of the night before flashed in my mind. Everything was kinda blurry. I remembered the kiss. I remember how wrong and gross it felt.

If Stefan thought for even a moment I would allow myself to do that to Elena he was definitely high on something other than human blood.

My mind did keep comparing the two situations of that night.

I tried to play off the butterflies and excitement from Klaus's kiss as 'I'm an inexperienced 17 year old girl, of course a kiss with any guy would give me butterflies' But due to new information and experience, I can't really use that excuse any more.

So now I had Four problems. Hiding this bite mark to avoid questions, avoiding Stefan completely, avoiding Klaus completely and figuring out why I was thinking about the hybrid so much despite him literally being a threat to everyones wellbeing.

Just a typical day!

A scarf, I guess a scarf would do just fine.

Scratch that, Caroline pulled that shit it'd be way too obvious. I decide on just putting a band aid on it. I can just say I burnt myself with a curling iron or something.

I then get dressed for the day and do a small amount of makeup. Definitely needed it with these literal gucci bags that consumed the space under my eyes.

Maybe it was the time I spent plastered last night or the time I literally laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to some sad Spotify playlist whilst thinking about my earlier rendezvous.

Seriously why was I pulling an Elena.

I head downstairs confidently, nobody will suspect a thing if I'm confident amirite.

"I thought you'd never wake up." Alaric speaks from the couch as I look down at my phone. 4pm.


"Yeah last night I went to sleep lat-" I pause as he holds up the almost empty bottle of bourbon with his usual look of disappointment. I recognized it as the same one I received after getting caught copying a classmates homework, and eating in his classroom. Good times.

"That was not me." I say as he stands to hold his phone to my face. It had a selfie of me posed with the bottle, wearing a huge grin. Stefan was behind me, reaching to grab my phone.

"I got this at 3am last night- from you." He says, raising a brow as I only stare at him.

"I may or may not have a doppelgänger! Speaking of which, have any idea where my sister could be?" I ask, quickly changing the subject as he sighs in defeat and slides his phone into his pocket. He motions to upstairs.

I go to turn on my heel when he calls after me.

"Scarlett, what's with the bandaid on your neck?"

"Uhh neck acne." I panick, cringing at my choice of excuses. He furrows his brows before seeming convinced. He waves me off and I almost let out a sigh of relief before heading up the stairs to my sisters room.

I approach it to find a familiar blonde leaning on the door from the outside.

"They forget to invite you in?" I joke as Caroline looks up to me with a smile.

"We've been waiting for you to wake up, you missed out on all the drama." She says making me raise a brow. I have judged Caroline for liking drama and rumors in the past but in all honesty I definitely relate. She points to the door before pressing her ear to it. I follow the action.

PlayBoy☆Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now