fifty six

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"Hi, everyone, I'm Caroline Forbes." Caroline's voice rings from the speakers connected to the microphone. I peak over April's shoulder to glance at the lawn filled with fancy decorations and people, watching with champagne glasses in their hands and wide eyes. Kinda felt like an act in the circus.

My eyes trail to my sister who stood beside Matt. I then let them move to Damon and Stefan who were somewhat distanced from each other. Probably because of all the breakup drama. I felt sort of at ease knowing I could see everyone before they saw me. Being at the back of the line has it's benefits lemme tell ya.

"I feel like I'm gonna barf." April, whispers as she turns to look to me anxiously. I remove my eyes from the crowd to look to the girl who had been wearing a bright red dress- which looked gorgeous on her. There was a whole fight about it between Caroline and Elena though- of course it involved Damon. Caroline despised the guy and rightfully so.

"The dance is the hardest part. It'll be over before you know it." I mutter, in assurance.

"As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court." I hear the crowd clap, making my stomach drop ever so slightly. Something about strutting down a pair of stairs for a bunch of strangers so they can judge your looks was pretty nerve wrecking.

"Who's your escort?" April asks, trying to eye the men lined up beside Caroline, waiting for their date.

"Trust me, you don't know him." She looks to me with a small giggle.

"Mysterious hm?" She asks. I grimace slightly but nod. That's one word for it.

"Well you definitely know mine. It's your brother." She says making me raise a brow. Didn't know about that.

"We begin the process with Valerie Fell accompanied by Dylan Clark." Caroline says, receiving a round of applause as the blonde girl steps down the stairs.

"Remember when she convinced you to eat glue in elementary school? Didn't they have to call poison cont-"

"We don't talk about that." I say, cringing at the memory. I didn't really like anyone else in the pageant honestly- besides April.

"Next, we have Amber Wolvertine accompanied by Hector Lindsay." Another round of applause as another girl descends the stairs, with a grin. They made it look so easy. A few more names were called before it was April's turn.

"Pray that I don't fall and embarass myself."

"Sure thing."

"April Young, accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert." Another eruption of claps. April takes a small breath before heading down the stairs. Jeremy isn't there though. I feel my stomach drop for her. No worries though. Matt stepped in. That would've been embarrassing as hell.

I stood at the top of the stairs alone, allowing my eyes to linger over the crowd. God I was dreading this.

My eyes flash to the judges, landing on one in particular. The Shane dude everyones been talking about. His eyes are on me before my name is even called. Creepy.

"And finally, Scarlett Gilbert accompanied by Klaus Mikaelson." I smile as the crowd begins to clap. My eyes immediately find Elena's who had been clapping but staring at me with slight shock.

Stefan's eyes had been flickering from Caroline to me as well. Once I started descending the stairs though his glare disappeared and he watched as if he were in a trance.

I begin, stepping down the stairs. Posture, smile, eye contact, graceful steps- Caroline has literally polluted my brain with this stuff for the past week. I do it though, knowing this was probably one of the most important parts. I go to look momentarily at Caroline who sends me a grin and a wink. She was like an embarrassing mother sometimes- but it was cool.

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