sixty two

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I gulp nervously as I look around the crowded gym where students had begun lighting candles. I felt sick being here and I felt even worse when my eyes meet Tyler's.

His gaze was cold and harsh, so I look down as quickly as I can. Caroline stood beside him- attempting to comfort him. The blonde stole quick glances at me as well.

I didn't know why I was getting glares from the couple- but I figured it had something to do with Klaus. I hoped this funeral and Klaus had no correlation though. I really hoped he wouldn't do that. My chest feels as if there had been a weight resting on it. Something was wrong.

"Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness in times of tragedy leads to healing, that one community is stronger than a thousand of its members." Sheriff Forbes speaks from the podium, beside a picture of Carol Lockwood. I could feel the thick tension in the room- making me wish I could make a swift exit but that would only make the situation worse. April stood beside me, tearing up
just a bit.

"But how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? And Carol was so much more than a leader; she was an open-minded friend and a concerned mother, taken from us too soon by a..." Sheriff Forbes trails off, her voice faltering for a moment.

"Terrible accident." My stomach twists at the words. I hear the gym door slam- and Tyler as well as Caroline are gone. Probably pretty angry too. Now I knew something had definitely happened. Terrible accidents are never actually accidents. In my mind I hoped he wasn't involved- he was with me the whole night, how could he be?

He would've mentioned something when I left this morning, right?

I really hope so.

"Please join me in observing a minute silence in her memory." I put my head down in the small moment of silence in the gym.

"Thank you so much. In the wake of this tragedy, the town has selected an interim mayor. Many of you may already know him. Please welcome Mr. Rudy Hopkins..." I look back up to see April, full out crying now.

"Hey, you okay?" I speak, in a hushed voice. She shakes her head softly, wiping her tears and runny mascara.

"I'm fine."

"But you're crying."

"It's just the whole mayor thing, you know. It's bringing stuff up about my dad." She sniffles, I nod in understanding. "I need to clean up." She sighs, going to move past me.

"I'll come." I say, partially because I was anxious to leave. Wouldn't hurt to make sure she was okay either. I follow her out of the gym, quietly. Once we reach the hallway that was completely empty,  she stops in her tracks and turns to face me.


"I'm really sorry." She speaks. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before another person steps into my view.

"Sleep." The familiar voice rings through my ears before I lose all consciousness and fall directly into their arms. I really need to stop forgetting about vervain.

My eyes flutter open softly, and I release a small yawn as I sit up from where I had my head rested. My drowsiness is gone almost instantly as I look around the library with multiple sets of eyes already on me.

"For a moment I thought I'd accidentally put you in a coma." Rebekah speaks. I look to her in confusion.

"What's going on?" I ask, looking to Elena, Stefan and Caroline who had been sat at the same table as me. I was guessing it wasn't their choice based on the looks on their faces. April stood beside Rebekah looking a little clueless. She shoots me an apologetic look.

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