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"You feeling alright?" I ask, handing Alaric a cup of water.

"Minus the splitting headache, I'm doing okay for a dead guy." He jokes, taking a sip.

"Think no-humanity Stefan will hand over the coffins?" I ask, as I sit back in my chair. Alaric only shrugs.

"I sure hope so... You doing alright though, kid?" He asks, running a hand through his hair as I shrug.

"I sure hope so." I repeat with a sigh as the door opens and Elena walks in.

"Ric, hey! When did you return to the living?" She asks, taking a seat beside Alaric.

"Oh just a few minutes ago. How is Jeremy?"

"Hating me. Hating life. Hating the fact that we can't even have a family dinner without somebody dying before dessert..." She trails off as Alaric starts coughing .

"Are you okay?"She asks as I stand from my seat, Alaric begins coughing up blood.

"Oh my god!" Elena screams.

"Something's wrong! The ring!" I say as Alaric collapses onto the floor, groaning in pain.

I hurry to the phone, call 911, and ask for paramedics.

When they finally arrive I open the front door for them.

"What happened?" One if the paramedic asks, as they bend down to help Alaric.

"He got hit by a car and...he's coughing up blood." I speak as they begin taking out equipment.

"Get his vitals."

"Pulse pretty weak. Looks like internal bleeding. We gotta get him outta here." I look over to Elena who's staring with wide eyes.

"Let's move!" They say, picking up Alaric's body.

"Let's not and say we did. Why don't you two meet us at the hospital?" A presence appears at the door and I recognize him immediately. The hybrid who hit Alaric leans in the door frame.

"What?" I ask, anger and fear bubbling from my voice as the paramedics get up to leave.

"No, no, no, wait. No wait! You have to help him!! What are you doing?" Elena cries, as she stands from Alaric's side.

"You can still save his life. Here, take my blood." The man says, offering us his wrist.

"I can't get in. You're gonna have to invite me." He continues with a smirk.

"No. Why are you doing this?" I say, glaring at the hybrid.

"Klaus asked for his family. You didn't deliver." He says sternly just as Alaric begins coughing again, violently.

"Ric! Oh my god! I'm right here." Elena says, rushing over to Ric as I stand at the door way with the man, glaring and clenching my fists

I debated punching the dude but decided against it...

"He's gonna die. Might want to invite me in, Scarlett." He says, before suddenly he's hit in the back with an arrow and falls to the ground, limp.

I see Jeremy running towards us with a literal crossbow and my eyes widen.

"What the fuck?" I ask as my brother enters the house and walks right past us.

"He's not dead yet." He says as my eyes follow him with confusion.

"Where are you going?" I yell after him. He reappears with a meat clever in hand, with no emotion on his face whatsoever.

"What are you doing?" I ask, he only ignores me and goes to the doorway, where he uses the meat clever to chop Tony's head off.

A scream escapes my mouth as I look up at my brother, blood was scattered on his face and he looked at me with no emotion whatsoever.

"Now he's dead." He says, standing up as I stare at him in utter disbelief and fear.

"We've gotta get Alaric to the hospital now." He says, walking over to Elena and Alaric as I stand in shock, barely able to move a limb as the scene I just witnessed replays in my mind.

"Thank you for coming." I say, opening the door for the curly haired vampire.

I was asked by Elena to give over Rebekah's body as a bargain. Of course we were the only ones who knew and she was already to scared to face Klaus herself.

"Its a surprise to see you, Scarlett. Wheres your sister?" He asks, walking into the house.

"I think the whole murdering our brother and sending your hybrid to get into our house spooked her a bit. So I'll be the one dealing with you, you don't scare me." I say crossing my arms and staring up at the man.

"Well you should be." He speaks, smirking and stepping closer. I back away and clear my throat before speaking again.

"We couldn't find Stefan. But I have something else." I say leading him to Rebekah's cell, where she laid on the ground, daggered.

"My poor sister. I can't turn my back on her for a moment." Klaus hums, clasping his hands behind his back and examining his sisters body.

"You have Rebekah. A deal is a deal." I say sternly, avoiding eye contact with Klaus or the daggered body lying before me.

"The life of my sister in exchange for your brother? Yeah I'd say that's a bargain. Consider him spared." He says with a shrug.

"But only because you asked." He adds quietly. I ignore the comment and speak again.

"Elena's the one who daggered her. When Rebekah wakes up she's definitely gonna come for her " I say, looking up with almost pleading eyes, Klaus smiles.

"I can control Rebekah. Besides I still need her help finding Stefan." He speaks as I shake my head.

"I told you she doesn't know where he is." He looks as if he's examining my face as I speak. He nods in response as if he is slightly convinced.

"Just so you know, Rebekah knows what you did to your mother. And If you ever pull anything like you did today to my family, Rebekah won't be the only person who wants you dead." I say coldly before turning on my heel.

"You can let yourself out, Klaus." I say before leaving the room and not looking back.

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