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I'm awoken by my phone blaring and I shift uncomfortably, my eyes shoot open and I gasp for a breath.

I look over to see Stefan driving, I was in Stefan's car. I just couldn't really remember when and why I was in Stefan's car.

His eyes flicker to me before grabbing my phone and answering it himself.

My hand shoots up to clutch my throbbing head.

"Elena, we're a little busy right now."  My eyes furrow in confusion, as my blurry vision focuses and I slowly take in my surroundings.

"Stefan what happened?" I ask groggily, wincing at another sharp pain. It feels like I've literally been body slammed.

He only ignores me and continues speaking to Elena who I figured was on the other line.

"I'm making my next move. Klaus only responds to action, and what will Klaus do if I hurt her?" He asks in a dead serious tone. My eyes widen as I hear muffled yelling through the phone.

He simply unrolls the window and tosses my phone.

"What the fuck, Stefan? What are you doing?" I ask cautiously as the car only speeds up. He keeps his eyes on the road, and his hands tighten around the driving wheel.

"I'm forcing him to take action."

"By doing what? This isn't gonna make him do shit." I spit, glaring at the man.

He glances over and rolls his eyes slightly.

"I see the way he acts around you, Scarlett. I know about the other night. I know what I'm doing." He says sternly.

"You literally sound insane. Weren't you just wishing me a happy birthday and giving me a fucking bracelet?" I shout, trying to get his attention but he only focuses on the road.

Stefan seemed like he had flipped a switch, literally. Hours ago he had been giving me advice, joking around with me and now he was kidnapping me to push his own agenda.

"Whats the plan Stefan? Keeping me hostage?" I press, glaring at him as he only shakes his head.

"Maybe I'll just turn you, take away that innocence that he seems so fond of." He says coldly, still avoiding my eyes.

I didn't doubt that Klaus could care less if I was alive or dead, vampire or human. I had no use to him and this would never get him to do what Stefan says. I was the worst possible leverage Stefan could've chosen to use.

I feel heat rise to my face in anger. The only person he will be hurting with this plan is me. I want to grow up, study abroad, I don't know if I even want to have kids yet and If he takes these choices from me I would never forgive him.

And I would never forgive myself for letting it happen.

"Stop the car Stefan."  I growl, but he only ignores me again.

"Stop the car Stefan!" I scream to no avail.

Stefan then pulls his phone from his pocket, casually and puts it on speaker, calling someone.

"Stefan, how nice to hear your voice." Klaus patronizes from the other end of the line.

"Tell your hybrids to get out of town, Klaus." Stefan says coldly as I listen to the encounter with wide eyes. My mind raced with possibilities of his next move.

"Well that's not gonna happen until I get my coffins back." He speaks calmly. I wish he would comply, but I knew he wouldn't, not for me.

"Okay, well then I'm gonna drive Scarlett off Wickery Bridge." He says, making my eyes snap from the phone to him, my mouth agape in shock.

"I don't believe you Stefan. You won't kill her." Klaus says, with his usual patronizing tone. I feel my stomach leap as Stefan holds his wrist to his mouth and bites it.

He then shoves his bloodied wrist to my mouth, forcing me to drink his blood despite my efforts to fight him off.

"Stefan stop!" I splutter, gasping for breath and coughing as he pulls away his wrist.

"What's going on?" Klaus's tone had switched to one of concern and confusion.

"I just fed her my blood. I'll kill her Klaus."  His voice doesn't falter and he speaks as if he hasn't even known me for the past two years. I feel my eyes water and fear take over my body.

Was I really this disposable? Would Stefan really do this to me?

"You won't do it" Klaus says as I feel my breathing get heavier as we get closer to Wickery bridge, the place I had avoided since the accident.

Maybe the memories and Stefans sudden death wish wasn't such a good mixture. I worried I would soon end up like my parents.

"Really? Try me, because your coffins are next to go. Say goodbye to your family Klaus." He says, pressing his foot further into the gas, speeding up as we keep getting closer to the end of the bridge.

"Stefan, slow down! Stefan! Stefan, please!" I scream, my voice cracking slightly as he only hardens his gaze on the road leading to my possible death.

"Fine, I'll send them away. You win." Klaus announces, speaking fast and slightly panicked. Before I can process the fact that Klaus had actually surrendered I notice how fast the car was going and Stefan still not halting despite how close were were to the end of the bridge.

"Stefan! Stefan, stop!" I scream once again, feeling as if I something had scratched my throat raw. Tears streamed down my face as my eyes stayed glued on the dead end in front of me.

"Stop the car, Stefan!" Klaus screams.

Just as we approach the bridge I hear the tires squeal loudly and the car skids to a stop, millimeters away from the end of the bridge.

I hear the phone call end and I finally let go of the breath I had been holding, immediately breaking out into sobs no matter how hard I tried to control it.

I stagger out of the car, my vision blurred by my tears as a pair of headlights soon pull up behind the car.

I wrap my arms around myself as small cries stream from my lips.

I hear the car doors open but am too distracted to recognize the person running towards me.

I'm soon enveloped in a tight hug and allow my eyes to close, comforted slightly. Elena attempts to comfort me with words but I can hardly hear them.

"Stay away from her, Stefan." I hear Damon, from behind us as Elena lets me go. I look up to see the brothers, facing each other. Stefan looks at me with guilt brimming at his eyes.

"How could you?" I ask, my cold eyes meeting his apologetic ones.

"He had to believe I would do it Scar. Your fear sold it." He attempts to explain. I shake my head.

"And what if he didn't Stefan?" I hear my voice break once again.

"He did."

"What if he didn't, Stefan?" I raise my voice slightly, almost straining it.

"He did! He backed down, Scar! He has a weakness! I know his weakness, and now I can destroy him." He attempts to reason as Damon only looks to Elena and motions his head to his car.

"Fuck you." I spat, keeping eye contact before being tugged away by Elena to the backseat of Damons car.


Hiii , this book just went from like 300 reads to almost 700 :0. Its really crazy! I hope you guys are enjoying! Please comment with things you would like to see/ constructive criticism if you would like! I would really appreciate it! Tysm for reading.

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