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"Thanks." Tyler mutters, after Jeremy hands him a glass of water.

"This is weird. Klaus has hybrids stalking me and now you're just sitting in our kitchen." Elena says, crossing her arm.

Her whiney, 'everything's about me' act was low key getting annoying as hell.

"Nobody cares." I mutter from my seat at the island, receiving a scolding look from Alaric.

"Look, maybe I should go." Tyler says, about to stand. I mean I would wanna leave too.

"Oh, stay. You're not doing anything." Jeremy reassures.

"Unless you have to, you know, check in with your hybrid master." Elena continues. Tyler only laughs at the comment.

"It's not like that Elena." He says, shaking his head.

"Tell me Tyler...What is the difference between being sired and being compelled?" Alaric speaks this time. I was curious to the answer of this myself.

"Compulsion-that's just mind control-like hypnosis. And being sired's like faith. You do something because you believe it's the right thing."He explains, taking a sip of his water.

"So you believe that serving Klaus is the right thing?" Elena goes in AGAIN despite Tyler trying to explain.

"I don't serve him. Klaus released me from a curse that was ruining my life. I owe him for that." He says again, somehow calm.

"What if he asked you to jump off a bridge?" When Alaric speaks again I decide to leave the room and head up to my bedroom. The past few days have been so exhausting and drama filled.

I peel off my clothes and take a warm shower, sighing under the warm water.

I then washed my body and hair and took a moment to breathe.

I then got out and dried off, applied lotion and brushed through my hair before changing. I flopped down on my bed, ready for a nap when I hear a loud scream.

"Oh my god! Jeremy!!" I hear Elena scream from outside and immediately jump from my bed and race down the stairs to see Jeremy standing in the street.

"Jeremy!!" Despite the screams he stood, unphased  as a car turned down the corner, full speed.

"Jeremy move!!!!" Elena shrieked as Alaric runs and pushes Jeremy out of the way. The car smashed into him, his body colliding with the windshield and then falling to the floor, limp and bloody.

Flashbacks to the scene at the car wreck flashed through my mind, Elena with the ambulance and a blanket wrapped around her. Me and Jeremy showed up just as they pronounced our parents dead.

I shake away the thoughts as we run to Alaric's body and turn him over. He was bruises and bloody. I feel the tears build up in my eyes as I look at the horrifying sight.

The car pulls up beside us and inside was the hybrid that was with Klaus earlier today.

"There I go again. Bumping into people." He smiles and just then my tears disappear and are swallowed up by my anger. I go to stand but Elena grabs my hand and shakes her head.

The car speeds off.

"He'll be fine he has his ring." She mutters.

"Jeremy are you okay?" I say turning to the boy as he looks in shock.

"I don't understand." He says in confusion.

"Who was on the phone, Jeremy?" I ask my eyebrows furrowed.


"You were compelled Jeremy. We need to get Ric inside- Help me." Elena demands, as we move to help her move Alaric inside.

"How is he?" Damon asks, stepping in as I sit across from Alaric's body, next to Jeremy who was still confused and terrified.

"He's dead, but he had his ring. Klaus's hybrid hit him. Now we just wait." Elena says, standing from her seat as Damon's eyes flicker to me and Jeremy.

"Jeremy, why aren't you wearing vervain? Where is your bracelet?" He asks, glancing to his bare wrist.

"I don't know." Jeremy says, looking as if he didn't even notice the missing bracelet himself.

"It was Tyler! It had to have been. That's why he was hanging out with you. To get you off the vervain." Elena says.

"Klaus is trying to send us a message. He wants us to find Stefan who stole his coffins full of his dead family members." He says, crossing his arms.

"Coffins?" Elena asks in confusion.

"Wait he didn't tell you guys about that..?" I trail off, an eyebrow raised as everyone turns to me in confusion.

"You knew?!" Damon asks as I nod.

"He called me earlier today, before I got to the grill. I don't know where he is though..." I say awkwardly.

"Great! So all we have to do is find four coffins and voilà! No one else on your family's Christmas list needs to die!" Damon sarcastically exclaims.

"Wait- that's your big plan? To steal back four dead originals so this evil hybrid doesn't kill me and everyone else we know? What if Scarletts next Damon? What if Alaric isn't there to save us?" He says making Damon pause for a moment as if he's thinking.

"Nobody's gonna hurt Scarlett." He grunts in annoyance.

"I don't know Damon..." Elena trails off, her eyes lingering on me before looking back to Damon.

"You guys really think he would murder me? Just out of nowhere?" I ask, my eyes wide.

"It wouldn't exactly be out of character. If he did it to me he'll definitely do it to you." Jeremy says as Damon shakes his head again.

"He's got some weird crush on Scarlett, I can tell." He says making feel heat rise to my cheek. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as Damon rolls his eyes.

"Well I think he's a little old for her. And not to mention he has literally tried to murder most of our family." Jeremy speaks up.

"Obviously, but we can use it to our advantage." Elena states, as if she just had a revelation. I scrunch my nose at the discussion. I was not gonna seduce this ancient vampire to get him to stop killing my family.

"No, it'd be too dangerous." Damon speaks, rubbing his chin.

"We get the coffins and hand them over. Should be easy." I speak up.

"Thats a stupid plan." Jeremy huffs.

"You got any better ideas?"

"Yeah! Let's get the hell outta here! Pack our bags and go!" He stands, slightly raising his voice in frustration.

"Hey, Jeremy calm down." Elena says, placing her hand on his shoulder. But he only shakes her off.

"No, no!! I'm not gonna calm down, Elena! This happens every time, no matter what we do! Get on my case about school and work...Who cares? None of us are gonna make it out of this town alive." He says coldly before storming out of the room.

"He said he wants his family back..." I trail off.

"No! No!!! I know what you're thinking. The answer is no!" Damon snaps, taking a seat.

"If we give him Rebekah..." I trail off again, Elena nodding along with my idea.

"Yeah, then Klaus undaggers her, first thing she does is kill Elena! Frying pan, fire. Not an option!" Damon snaps, making me roll my eyes.

"Klaus's coffins...How many did you say they were?" Elena asks before pulling out her phone.



Hiiii I hope u guys r enjoying the story even tho its kinda boring so far!! It will become more interesting as it goes on! Please vote and comment if you can! Really appreciate it!!!<3333

PlayBoy☆Klaus MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora