thirty six

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"I'm not gonna let Stefan die just because you're having a jealous fit. He's still my friend." I say making Klaus place his paint brush down and turn to face me.

"Jealous fit? Is that what you believe this is?"

"If I'm wrong, you can correct me." I state simply, crossing my arms. He scoffs slightly.

"I do not get jealous, Scarlett. Certainly not of a lesser man." He grunts, his eyes glint with annoyance.

"Sure." I drawl. "Then I guess this was just out of boredom? Right?"

"I am not in the mood for your little games, Scarlett. Leave me now and I'll consider not biting into that pretty little neck." I raise my eyebrows at the threat.

"Well you wouldn't be the first." I say, before holding the glass up once again. I see his jaw clench. "I'll leave you once you give me your blood. I don't have all day and I really don't feel like using my short amount of time to pester you until you give in- which we both know you will." I say, making him do his little speedy thing until he's only inches from me.

"So persistent." He says, raising his hand to wrap around my neck delicately like an open threat. My breath hitches slightly at our sudden close proximity and his apparent annoyance that could lead to my death.

Once I regain my posture I bring my eyes to his.

"How hypocritical, doing the same thing you want to kill Stefan for doing." I speak, almost challenging him with my tone. I may sound confident but in my head I was feeling a little scared. Klaus was like a ticking time bomb.

Didn't think I was helping.

His expression only darkens.

"Do it." I urge, moving to expose my neck further. This was definitely stupid. Who let me be in charge of saving Stefan.

This would quickly turn into a double homicide thanks to me.

I see his eyes turn to amber and dark veins form around them. It gone as quick as it came though and he backs away, dropping his hand from my neck.

"I will give you what you want."

"That was record beating time. What the hell did you do?"

"Even a heartless bastard can't resist those puppy eyes. Good job kiddo- I'm actually feeling a little proud." Damon says making me grin and hand the glass filled with blood to Stefan proudly.

The puppy eyes he was referring to actually took lots of practice. I haven't used them much so maybe I was a little rusty. Hey, they worked anyways- or maybe it was the conversation. I'll take the credit anyways.

Klaus begrudgingly bit into his wrist and filled my glass without breaking eye contact. He then received a smile in return before I got the hell out of there.

He was definitely unhappy with me- but his anger for Stefan was more prominent. Still unsure on what upset him the most. The initial kiss, the returned kiss or the bite. The world may never know.

Men are such closed off things aren't they?

Stefan takes the glass whilst eyeing me in suspicion.

"All you did was ask?"


"hm." He hums before bringing the glass to his lips and taking a drink. He sighs in relief afterwards, the bite disappears from his skin along with his ghostly complexion and the sweat that had been beading on his forehead.

"Problem solved. You guys should seriously take notes." I say, looking down at my nails as if my victory was effortless. It wasn't but I enjoyed feeling like it was.

"Lets not get too ahead of ourselves." Damon says making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh god what are you-"

"Nothing that concerns you, Scarlett. Now get home before your little boyfriend wrecks more havoc." Damon says making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I just saved your brothers ass and this is my payment?"

"We've got some business to handle. You're still in high-school right? Go study for a quiz or something."


Short filler sorry! Also think ima go into a book 2 for the originals bc this book is gonna be long as hell and ion want people to think they have to read everything yaknow.

question: What do you wanna see next in the book? :)

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