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I pull my buzzing phone from my pocket and look down to see a familiar contact name.


I answer the call.

"What do you want."

"Checking in on my favorite Gilbert, as usual."

"Mmmhm." I hum suspiciously, opening my locker to put away my books and retrieve the ones for my next class.

"Okay..... so I may or may not have left a little gift in your bag. Yaknow just in preparation for anything like last night....if it were to happen again." He trails off and I sigh before digging into the bag to find a small box.

I open the velvet box to find a necklace, a small heart locket with a small red gem. It was dainty and silver.

"Theres vervain inside. It might not do much but maybe it will make you feel a little safer in comparison to last night. I know you're kinda shook up from it even if you don't show it much." I smile at the gift. I was sorta thankful someone actually worried about my feelings last night. Even if I was still sorta in shock.

My smile drops as I speak again "Please tell me you didn't grave rob or somet-"

"Scarlett chill, I bought it for some girl hundreds of years ago. Now its yours." I roll my eyes at the man.

"Good. I don't want some original vampire threatening my life over a cheap necklace." I sigh, sliding the necklace in my pocket.

"Speaking of which...You might not want to come here for a while. We have a new housemate. Barbie Klaus." He explains and my mind snaps to the blonde sibling from last night that I had just referred to.

"Rebekah? She's living with you now? Why?" I ask. Wasn't she like an enemy or something.

"She's stranded. Apparently Klaus left her in the dust after I name-dropped Mikael." I laugh at the comment, closing my locker and leaning against the cool metal

"So whats making these powerful vampires so scared of some vampire hunter. Can't they just kill him?" I ask, fiddling with a loose thread on my jacket.

"Mmmm, maybe you can ask them for me." He jokes.

"Yeah yeah. Ill talk to you later." I say, hearing the bell ring in the distance.

"Don't be late kiddo." He says jokingly before I end the call and head to my next class.

After third period I decide to head over towards the two familiar figures I see talking at their locker. I had been meaning to check in with my brother but lost track with the first day and memories of last night.

"I, um...I think you have the power to decide whether or not you see them. Remember that. Okay?" Bonnie says to my brother before turning and leaving abruptly.

"Oh god what did you do this time." I sigh, crossing my arms as the familiar brunette turns to me.

"Nothing that I can really control." Jeremy huffs, leaning against his locker and staring down at me, eyeing the bruises on my arm.

"What happened to you?" He asks, poking one of the purple marks. I flinch and smack his arm.

"Did you not hear about the senior prank night massacre?" I huff as the boy raises an eyebrow.

"Had no idea you were there." He says, raising an eyebrow. I shake my head with a sigh.

"It's not a big deal...But why do I keep hearing about Vicki Donovan?" I say as the boy rolls his eyes.

"Nothing that concerns you Scarlett." he says, turning his body and opening his locker. He roughly shoves his books into it.

"I don't know how many times I've heard that phrase the past few days."

"Maybe you should listen. Unless you wanna end up like me, being forced to Damons bidding." He says, slamming his locker door shut.

I furrow my brows at his sudden irritable behavior. Everyone was an emotional wreck today.

"Alright then. I guess I'll see you later." I say before the boy nods and walks off.

After changing into a pair of shorts and a white tank I tied my long brown hair up into a ponytail.

As I fold my original clothes, the familiar silver necklace falls to the ground, reminding me of it. I smile before picking up the jewelry and decide to put it on.

After putting on the locket I head out of the changing room and onto the football field.

The football players ran around the field, practicing whilst the cheerleaders practiced on the sidelines.

I start to approach Caroline and I recognize another oddly familiar blonde.

"Sounds like you have an opening on the squad." Rebekah smirks as I approach the two.

"I wonder why." I scoff, making the two notice my presence. Rebekah smirks as she recognizes me.

"I remember you, little one." She says smiling.

"I'm honored." I say as she begins stretching making Carolines eyes widen.

"Hey. Hey. You can't just come here and infiltrate all of our lives." She says, placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm only interested in yours. Your spunk, your popularity." She says slyly before glancing at Tyler on the field.

"Maybe even your Boyfriend." She adds with a smirk.

"Creepy." I sing jokingly making the girl glare at me.

Suddenly I hear the coach shouting at Tyler, Caroline rushes over to the two whilst I stay with Rebekah. I couldn't deny that she made me feel curious.

"So, aren't you a little too old for high-school?" I ask, as I join the girl in stretching.

"Hmm, I needed something to take up the time. You and your friends get flustered so easily." She jokes as I laugh slightly.

"I mean being in the presence of a murderer would fluster anyone." I say making the blonde roll her eyes jokingly.

"Just like your little friend, Stefan. Of course I physically hurt nobody the other night. Him on the other hand..." She trails off.

"Speak of the devil." I sigh seeing the man leave Elena's side and approach the two of us.

"Are you back to playing a normal senior in High school?" I ask as he only smirks.

"Seems to work out for me, but no. Just protecting assets, Which includes you." He says, still in the cold tone he had ever since his humanity had been switched off.

I raise an eyebrow at the man. I understood the whole doppelgänger blood thing, which makes Elena a asset. But I surely had nothing to offer as a normal human.

"How am I even an asset?" I say, crossing my arms.

"Leverage. Or yaknow, maybe you're just fun to be around." He smirks as I roll my eyes.

"I'll assume its the latter option. I am pretty funny."

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