sixty four

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"Scarlett Gilbert." The professor breathes, his eyes meeting mine as me and Stefan practically barge into his office. By now the sun had raised and leaked into his dark, eery, office. I slam the book down onto the desk, emitting dust as I did.

"Who is he." His eyes flicker down to the page, reluctant to remove them from me.

"Demetrius Sirène. The beginning of the curse- but not the beginner of your line." He speaks slowly. I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"What curse?"

"The Sirène curse-"

"Sirène, as in siren? Is that what he was?" Stefan speaks up from behind me- his voice rough. I don't remove my eyes from Shane. He chuckles, pushing his glasses up.

"I assumed you'd think that. Siren's are known to be captivating, yes? The Siréne's were witches, but they possessed an allure to them, much like sirens- but it was without even trying. They were seen as irresistible." He speaks. I look to Stefan in confusion.

"Scarlett can be compelled. Theres no way her father was a witch because she would be one too." Stefan speaks, his brows furrowed.

"You didn't let me explain the curse."

"Explain it."

"It all began with Demetrius. He was a witch- a powerful one. He was a different kind of witch though, he didn't use ancestral magic. He had control of the elements." I listen intently to the words as they left The professor's mouth.

A witch who could only control the elements? Did that even classify as a witch- and why was this the first time I've ever even heard of it. It sounded almost too unbelievable.

"A simple witch fell in love with him, Like many had done before. Her name was Anastasia Ècarlate and he claimed to love her too but he was unfaithful."

"When she found out she called upon her ancestors. They hated the Sirène's. They believed they were too powerful for their own good. They don't like feeling overpowered."

"Get to the point." Stefan growls. I feel as if my eyes were as wide as saucers as I listened. The professor didn't remove his eyes from me as he continued.

"They didn't have the power to completely take away his magic for good so they agreed on a curse. Anastasia believed Demetrius wasn't capable of love- that the Sirène line would never be capable of love. So then it was placed, with the power of the ancestors and the entire new Orleans coven. The Sirène's would only ever have access to their power once they fall in love for the first time. Until then they were simple humans." He explains. My mouth falls open as I process his words, looking down back towards the book page where Demetrius' painting had been. Theres no way.

"But you, Scarlett.." he speaks again, my eyes flicker up to the man. "The Petrova blood seems to have only increased your allure. It's amazing- I believe thats the reason that original is so captivated by-"

Despite the many questions I had and the simple shock- before I knew it my fist had come in contact with his cheek, cuting off his sentence. His glasses fall from his face as he grabs his red cheek in shock. I feel Stefan grip my arm.

"That's for knowing this entire time and telling me nothing." I spit in anger before pulling my arm from Stefan's grip and turning to walk off. He follows closely behind.

"You had to find out for yourself!" He calls after us- to which I ignored. Once we leave the building I feel Stefan's hand grab me again, spinning me to face him.

"Hey, you really need to calm down." He says, dropping my wrists as I nod- realizing how bitchy my actions seemed and that he was probably right.

"I'm good." I say, taking a deep breath and letting my eyes flicker back to the building we had just left. I try to wrap my mind around everything- to process it. I didn't feel special- like I was apart of some crazy ass bloodline.

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