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"Ohhh, I get it, I get it. So theres like three other brothers?" I hum as I continue writing down notes.

After Damon got stabbed, he decided it was time for me to go home and get rest. Alaric and Elena filled me in on the rest. They got Stefan and heard nothing from Rebekah. So I guess the plan was a success.

Lets just hope she isn't on her way to murder me for playing a part.

"Are they cute too?" I joke, wiggling my eyebrows. Stefan only stares at me with a straight face.

"Tough crowd." I mutter, looking back down to my notebook.

"Are we done here yet." Stefan sighs, annoyed at what I was currently forcing him to do.

"hmm soon, theres just so many names to remember. So Elijah, Kol, and..." I trail off, looking up at the man who continued to glare at me.

"Finn." He grunts as I nod and write the name down.

I glance back up to see the mans face still hasn't changed so I sigh.

"Okay, okay. We're done." I state, standing from my seat and closing my notebook. This pleases Stefan as he sighs in relief.

"For today." I add, as I point my finger accusingly. Making him begin another death glare.

"You know, Rippah Stefan isn't as patient as humanity Stefan.." I say crossing my arms and mocking the British accent Klaus had used the night Stefans humanity had been turned off.

Before Stefan can even respond with some witty comeback we hear a loud groan.

"Oh, Stefan." Damon sighs, obviously in pain. This makes me follow the voice in curiosity, Stefan following close behind.

We find the room where the loud noises had been coming in and walk in to find a... questionable Damon.

"Low blow, Stefan. Low blow." Damon growls from a seat that he was currently chained to with iron sticks drove through his body.

My eyes widen at the bloodied man.

"What the hell happened to you?" Stefan asks, an eyebrow cocked in amusement as we slowly approach the injured man.

"Something kinky, I assume." I say, eyeing the man up and down in disgust.

Ive never been a fan of blood. Ironic right?

"What are you doing here?" Damon asks, I shrug off the questions. There was obviously a different subject that needed to be addressed.

"Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it." He says, switching his attention back to his brother.

"I didn't do this." Stefan says, shaking his head.

"Quit screwing around!" Damon snaps. I mean I'd be pretty annoyed too. I look over to Stefan with an eyebrow raised but he only shakes his head.

"I didn't." He states calmly, approaching the man and examining the chains.

"It's pretty messed up though, isn't it?"

"Yep." Damon grimaces before I speak.

"Can you just take those things out?" I say, my face scrunched. Stefan shrugs before harshly removing the bloody iron sticks from Damon's body, as the man screams in pain.

Stefan then proceeded to walk off nonchalantly, it leaving me and the chained man alone.

"Don't worry, Scar. I'll just untangle myself. No biggie." He states with annoyance making me snap out of my disgusted stare. I head over to him to try and undo the chains.

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