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My breath hitches in my throat as I attempt to carefully touch the wound. I feel the blood coat my fingers just as a metallic liquid rises from my throat and spills out of my mouth. I shakily bring my fingers to my eyesight to confirm it was blood that covered them.

Small black dots started filling my vision and every time I blinked my eyelids got heavier and harder to open. I wanted to speak- to scream for help but the only noise I could make was a cough from the blood that I felt I would soon choke on.

The man knelt beside me with a gun in his hand, watching over the funeral. I couldn't correlate a thought on what he was doing or who he could be. My thoughts were clouded and the only thing I could feel was the agony of the wound. Everything else simply felt numb and fuzzy.

I wanted it to stop. It felt like I sat there for hours allowing my blood to leave my body so slowly. In reality it was probably a few minutes. A loud noise rings through my ears and the mysterious man is gone from my side. I attempt to move but the pain shoots through me all over again.

I was definitely losing consciousness. I had lost so much blood. I wouldn't die for a little longer but I'm definitely gonna pass out soon.

I let my eyes close.

"Scarlett?" The voice sounded almost like a whisper- I feel myself slipping into sleep.

"Scarlett?!" The voice raises. I don't have the power to move, speak- or even open my eyes.

"She's still alive."

"I have to get out of here, Stefan."

"Go now."

I'm lifted from my position and a bloodied wrist is held to my lips. I drink the blood, using the persons chest to lean against and steady myself. I feel them release a sigh of relief as I go to grip their arm in place almost desperately- with every gulp the pain and weakness went away.When I feel like the blood has done all it really can I pull away.

The person drops their hold on me, realizing I'm now conscious and healed up (not mentally of course :)) I look down at the black dress soaked in blood right around my stomach as well as the trail of blood that had dripped down from my mouth to my chin. I definitely looked like a psychopath.

"Are you okay?" Stefan's examining my face in shock, Caroline stands beside him with wide eyes. When the question processes in my mind I break down. Immediately Stefan takes me into his arms and attempts to calm me down.

One very disgusting shower and new clothes later I ended up at the Salvatore boarding house. Lucky me.

"Feel better?" Stefan asks as I plop down on the couch next to him. The little breakdown I had freaked him out. I mean it freaked me out too.

"A little." I mutter, turning to look at him. "It just seemed so surreal. Everything just happened so quick." He frowns.

"I'll kill him."

"Let's hope he doesn't kill Tyler first." I've never had to deal with a vampire hunter- and I never thought I would have to. I'm literally a human.

If he would attempt to kill me without even knowing who I was I wonder what he would do to everyone else- my friends- even my sister. I was scared.

I kept distracting myself from my fear by thinking about Klaus, wondering where he could be by now, if he even had second thoughts or if he just got what he wanted and left. Very confusing.

I feel like now would be the best time for him to stick around- I would feel safer anyway. Maybe that wouldn't apply to anyone else.

That's if he even cares much anymore.

Maybe it was poor judgment to sleep with him. I thought it'd be a way to get out all my feelings- for the night and then forget about them but it only made me want him more and my feelings only grew. Weird how that works.

"Don't worry about it. We'll handle it. Okay?"

"I don't wanna keep burying people, Stefan. I can't do it anymore." At this point it felt like a funeral every other week. I didn't even have time grieve because another person would die. What if I were next- or Jeremy. What if we didn't come back.

It felt like I was having a big burst of emotions- including the ones I had been trying to suppress. Kinda understood where Elena was coming from.

"Hey, It's okay." I hadn't even noticed the tears that started blurring my eyes. Trust me it wasn't wanna those sobbing cries- it felt almost as if I had no control of my bodies reaction to my thoughts and everything that went on today. I quickly wipe away the tears that had trailed down my cheeks.

One emotional sister was enough for everyone to handle, I will not be making it two.

"Sorry." His eyes are on mine and they had only one emotion written across them. Sympathy. Which is honestly the last thing I need. Surely the last thing he needs either.

"Stop pushing them off, Scar. It's making it worse." I frown at his words. I guess it was obvious then.

I wanted to be unaffected- I wanted to be able to adjust to this new normal but it isn't easy. I'm overwhelmed, upset, and angry. Everyone around me is dying, dead or gone. And apparently I'm a very easy target to terrorize which stresses me out enough on its own.

I've barely processed my feelings about my parents death let alone Aunt Jenna's, Alaric's and Elena's. Not sure what else the world could throw my way- other than the very complicated relationship I have with you know who.

Guess I shouldn't even think about that anymore now that he's gone.

Instead of responding to Stefan's worry I simply rest my head on his shoulder with a small sigh. If there was one thing Stefan could do- that nobody could- it was comforting somebody.

As I zoned out in my thoughts he simply ran his fingers through my hair delicately which I was pretty thankful for.

Stefan is such a good guy.


This book is gonna end around chapt 65 then Ima go into the originals in book2. So i might skip some of the plot in the tv show bc it would be way too long.

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