sixty five

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We sat around the living room in the Salvatore mansion, the only noise at this point was the crackling fire. Stefan had just finished retelling the story of what the professor had only told us hours ago.

"How were we able to compel her then? Witches can't be compelled." Elena asks, her eyes flickering from me to Stefan.

I hated how she so casually spoke about me. As if she had completely forgotten what she had done.

"The Sirène curse is why. She's human. For now."

"Shane told you all this? How do we trust the dude?" Damon speaks, raising a brow at his brother skeptically as he raised the glass of bourbon to his lips.

I had zoned out most of the conversation- and had been silent since we arrived at the house. I didn't have the energy to speak. My mind swarmed but my demeanor stayed the same. Emotionless.

"I don't think we have time to deal with trust issues. We're leaving tomorrow. He's our only hope right about now." Jeremy speaks from beside me on the couch. Elena nods hesitantly.

"He's right. We'll figure this out once we're back."

"Scarlett." My eyes snap up from the fire.

"You okay?" Damon's eyes meet mine as he asks. As if he were using them to speak. He heard everything from earlier. That's embarrassing.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna go to bed." I say, standing from my seat. I wish I could be anywhere but here quite frankly. I wanted to just be alone.

"Are you sure?" He asks again. Stefan, Elena and Jeremy kept their eyes trained on me as well. I nod, before exiting the room to one of the many guest rooms.

Just as I sat onto the bed theres a soft knock at the door. My first thought was it being him. What a stupid idea.

"Come in."

The door opens slowly to reveal Jeremy, who was wearing a small smile as he stepped inside. Despite my want for isolation at the moment, Jeremy was the person I had no problem seeing.

"Whats up?" I ask as he simply takes a seat on the bed and looks to me.

"You're upset."

"I'm not. I'm just tired-"

"Scar, I've been around you for seventeen years. I know when you're upset." He says, chuckling softly. I look down again. I didn't think upset was the correct term. It was an understatement if anything.

"Its because of him. Isn't it?" He speaks, breaking the small silence. I look up to him in slight confusion.


"I'm not stupid, Scarlett. You're pretty obvious with your crushes- and trust me he wasn't too subtle either." He grimaces slightly.

"Right. Give me your lecture then." I say, looking to him expectantly.

"I'm not gonna lecture you. You've got the wrong sibling. Although I don't really appreciate him almost killing me and Matt-"

"It doesn't matter anyways and no offense Jer, I just don't feel like talking about this. Every time I have, it's ended pretty horrifically." I say, frowning slightly.

"Probably because you've talked to our very impulsive and sometimes melodramatic sister." He says making me nod my head in agreement.

"You have a point."

"I hope you guys make up soon. It feels wrong being all split up most of the time. We're all we really have right now." He trails off.

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