twenty nine

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After Klaus backed off of Damon, Damon left to avoid Stefan's and Elena's scoldings. Kol had gone right back to partying after Elijah had a talk with him about how he couldn't go after Damon (Thankfully). Klaus went off to do god knows what and I had to go home with Elena and Stefan.

"So uh, Esther wants to kill her whole family. How is that for Mother of the Year?" Stefan says as me and Elena enter the house, him following close behind and closing the door.

Apparently Esther had invited Elena for her blood. The blood was used for a spell to bind her children. Meaning- if one died, they all died. And thats what she intended on doing.

Turns out, creepy brother #1 is a mama's boy and the willing sacrificial lamb. Told you he was creepy.

"Yeah. And I got to look Elijah right in the eye and lie to him about it."Elena says in discomfort as I look down in my thoughts.

"Am I the only one that feels like this is wrong. We should warn them or something." I mutter as Stefan furrows his eyebrows.

"No. We shouldn't. I won't be sorry to see any of them go." He says coldly as I exchange looks with Elena. She felt off about the situation too.

I get the whole vendetta against the family. I know they're these crazy monsters. But Elijah has helped Stefan, Elena and Damon multiple times. Rebekah (Despite trying to murder my sister.) genuinely seemed harmless if anything. I had no excuse for not wanting Klaus to die other than selfish ones that I felt guilty for even thinking about.

I don't think they all deserved to die at the hands of their mother.

"I just signed their death sentences, Stefan."

"No, you signed Klaus's death sentence. Everyone else is just collateral damage." Stefan responds to Elena sternly.

"If that was how we started fighting our battles we would be just like Klaus, lives shouldn't be collateral damage, Stefan." I say as he only shakes his head.

"Their family has brought us nothing but darkness. Its the way it has to be Scarlett." I only narrow my eyes at him annoyance, not wishing to argue over it any longer.

I didn't really know what to do, I didn't think I could do anything anyways.

"We should make sure Damon knows you both got home safe." He continues, dropping the subject.

"I'll call him and let him know." Elena says, quietly. I feel the tension build once more, this time not involving me-thank god.

"What was with him going after Kol?" He asks as I look to Elena, curious to it myself.

"Damon being self-destructive. I said something I didn't mean." She sighs, she was definitely stressed.

"I guess we all had a crazy night." I say removing the heels from my feet as I plopped down on the couch.

Not only had I went to this extravagant ball, and hung out with the most powerful vampires ever but I also made out with one of them. Which I still haven't wrapped my head around. Not to mention the possible death of him and his family that my sister had a hand in (even if she regretted it.)

I honestly found myself worried which creeped me out. Why was I so worried? Elena was because she somewhat likes Elijah, and she always wants to do good. Both very understandable reasons.

Me on the other hand... I was worried about all the siblings... Okay maybe not Finn and Kol because they kinda scared me (rightfully so).

Of course Elijah deserved my sympathy, he has helped my sister many times before and genuinely seemed like this kind and noble guy. Rebekah may have been pretty bad, but she wasn't some evil mastermind. Just a girl wishing for a normal life, someone to love, friends, etc. How could I not feel bad for her.

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