forty five

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"Hey, I think its time for you to get out of bed."

"It's way too early for this."

"It's 4pm, Scar." I groan in annoyance from under my blankets as Stefan leans against my doorway.

"We have a visitor. If that makes any difference." I sit up with an eyebrow raised.


"Elijah." I sigh before sliding off my bed. I was a little unmotivated- I guess thats a good word for it. I didn't feel like talking, or doing anything. I just stayed in bed surrounded by my thoughts. Contrary to what you may believe I haven't slept. Me and my brain aren't the greatest match.

Everyone seemed pretty worried about my mood change. I've had Elena bring me breakfast in bed, Damon offer me liquor (seriously this man thinks its the answer to every problem), Stefan offer him staying the night with me to make me feel 'safer' and Jeremy asking me if I wanted to smoke pot. My body just felt like it was on auto pilot. I felt so exhausted and gloomy.

I roamed my head for reasons why I felt like this- of course one of them was Alaric and how much he'd changed. And hey- maybe I was a little scared about the many vampires that would soon be after my ass. But I did feel a wave of heart ache when I thought about Klaus.

It felt weird knowing he was officially gone. And I scold myself for wishing he wasn't. He was a bad person- and being pretty or charming doesn't makeup for that shit.

I would feel a bit safer if he wasn't off unconscious in a coffin somewhere though.

I was curious as well to see what Elijah was doing back in Mystic Falls. Something about him comforted me as well- even if he has put my life in danger. I liked Elijah.

"Atta' girl." Stefan says making me shove past him in annoyance before walking down the stairs.

I enter the kitchen where Elijah, Matt and Elena stood talking. Stefan followed close behind me.

"Scarlett." Elijah says, his eyes landing on me. He seemed like he had been waiting for me to enter.


"We were just speaking about Alaric, and Niklaus of course." I nod before taking a seat at one of the stools, Stefan sits beside me. I see Elijah's eyes flicker to Stefan as he does, almost as if he were suspicious about something.

I ignore the look.

"He wants Klaus. He says if they can get the stake from Alaric they will leave. Let you live." Elena cuts in making me furrow my brows.

"So you wanna wake him up?"

"Not in your lifetime- but yes."

"We've finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back." Elena shakes her head before I speak.

"Why not just give him, Klaus?" I say making all eyes snap to me.

"Scarlett are you suddenly suffering from brain damage? When they bring Klaus back, not only will he kill us but his lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get." Damon's voice booms from Stefan's phone. Didn't even notice he was present.

"I can promise no harm will come to Scarlett, if you hand over Niklaus. Rebekah and Kol will honor this agreement as well." He looks to me, Elena and Stefan.

"But what abou-"

"I can promise you when we revive Niklaus you would have already lived out your human lives." He says making Elena's features somewhat soften. Lucky for me- she liked Elijah as well.

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