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"Hi, I've never met a ghost before. I'm Scarlett." I grin holding a hand out for the tall man to shake. He looks down at me and raises an eyebrow, amused but takes my hand anyway.

"Mason." He says before picking up another shot glass of liquor.

"Scarlett." Alaric warns, he seemed on edge.

I mean I would be too if some guy I murdered came back for revenge. hm.

I shrug him off and turn back to my caprisun, and watching as Damon and Alaric share nervous glances.

"One of you will pay for this, right? Cheers." Mason announces, downing another shot.

"Let's get to it. I killed you. You want revenge. Get in line." Damon says cooly.

"Actually, I want an apology." Mason states nonchalantly. Not like this guy murdered him in cold blood or anything.

His statement makes Alaric laugh. I only watch in amusement, sipping my juice.

"Good luck with that." He says, taking a swig from his glass in amusement.

"Don't you have a family to haunt? You know your nephew has turned into a mindless hybrid Minion." Damon asks, squinting.

"That's why I'm here. To help Tyler." Mason explains.

"Well, sorry to break it to you, buddy, but Tyler can't be helped. At least not while Klaus is alive. Which is, like...always." Damon says rolling his eyes.

"Not necessarily. Not if you found a weapon that could kill him." Masons statement makes everyones ears perk up.

"There is no weapon that...What do you know?" Damon asks, his usual playful tone disappearing in seconds.

"I know you need to apologize." Mason says, crossing his arms.

"You got to be kidding me." Damon says, annoyance laced in his voice.

"I'm team Mason. Apologize!" I chime in with a grin, receiving an amused look from Mason and one of annoyance from Damon.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Are you incapable of remorse? Just apologize!" Alaric snaps making Damon sigh and turn to Mason.

"You're right. I didn't have to kill you. I do a lot of things I don't have to do." I roll my eyes at the half ass apology but Mason only laughs.

"That's good enough." He says, before standing.

"Meet me at the old Lockwood cellar. Bring a shovel." He says, staring at Damon. Ooooh an adventure! My eyes widen with excitement.

His eyes then flicker to me and Alaric.

"Come alone." Which makes my smile drop into a frown.

"What, you're going to bury me alive?" Damon asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't tempt me." He warns jokingly (I hope) before casually exiting the Mystic Grill.

"Well there goes my afternoon plans." I say, crossing my arms in annoyance.

"Better hop on home then." Damon says with a smirk as my phone dings.

Need help @ Salvatore house.

I smile down at the text. "I'll catch you two murderers later." I say before standing.

"Be home before twelve Scarlett." Alaric shouts after me. I wave him off before heading to the boarding house.

"Ugh! I give up. It's not anywhere in this room."

"Maybe someone came and took it...?" I suggest, standing up from looking under a bed in a guest room.

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