thirty five

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"Where is he?" I ask, almost immediately pushing past Damon. I hear him scoff quietly.

"Study." He says, before leading the way. When we walk in I find Stefan with a rather large bite mark on his neck. It was quite gorey if I do say so myself.

"A wolf bite."

"Hybrid bite." Damon corrects as I scrunch my nose in disgust. It look infected- which it was, with werewolf venom. Which was deadly to vampires.

Remind me to never make Klaus angry... again.

Wanting to kill Stefan over a kiss/bite (Not sure which angered him the most)was a bit extreme. I guess that's what he was known for, being extreme and violent. Which is reason number one hundred something that we couldn't work- besides his regular habit of attempting to murder my friends.

If this was his way of courting me, I really worried about how he treated his girlfriends. Now I see why Tatia chose the other brother. Sis had some common sense, which I apparently lack.

"Guess he knows then." Stefan says, I saw his undereyes were a bit darkened. I wondered how long we had for me to fix it.

"Knows what, exactly? Don't tell me this is all some jealous fit because of you two smooching." Damon says, pouring a glass of bourbon.

"You told him?"  I say, quickly looking to Stefan.

"Well apparently, you told Klaus- knowing he has some twisted crush on you." He says making me roll my eyes.

"He got into my head, why the hell would I tell him?" The brothers exchange looks. I hated when they did that. "Whatever you're thinking, you're wrong. Now stop acting telepathic it's creeping me the hell out."

"Someone is on edge." Damon comments, making me glare momentarily before looking to Stefan.

"I'll fix this, I can totally get his blood. Easy peasy." I say making Stefan raise a brow.

"Not really a good idea, when big bad wolf is having a temper tantrum. He can be pretty..." Damon trails off, wincing slightly. "Spastic." I finish the sentence.


"Psychopathic, crazy,-"

"Okay I get it. He can huff and puff and blow our house down. But I think I can have it under control." I say making Stefan shake his head and stand from his seat.

"No, Scarlett. He could hurt you-"

"Its literally the only choice we have- unless you want Damon to sweet talk him. I have a feeling he will end up just like you." I say, going to turn on my heel but Stefan already speed in front of me.


"She has a point. He's too pussy whipped to do anything to her." Damon says making Stefan send him a glare. I scrunch my nose in disgust at his comment.

"Gross. Now if you two would excuse me." I say, moving past Stefan who still seemed hesitant.

"Of course you should have back up- just in case." I hear Damon from behind me. I turn to see him with an empty glass and a regular wooden stake. I guess it could buy me time if I needed to get away fast- although I doubt I could even successfully stab it through anyones heart let alone an original hybrid. I shrug and take it anyways.

"Be careful." Stefan speaks as I grab the items. I wave him off.

"I've got her, try not to go crazy while we're gone." Damon speaks, flinging an arm around me. Stefan's eyes linger on mine for only a moment. I send him a quick smile to reassure him before being led out by Damon.

"Lets hope that his little crush on you hasn't vanished."

"Scarlett?" Rebekah's voice booms as she opens the doors. Her eyes flicker towards the stake and empty glass that occupied my hands. Damon hid somewhere far enough away to where his presence wouldn't be known- but close enough to hear any screams. So comforting.

"I guess this means you're the reason my brother is in such a sour mood. Almost got my hopes up that you were visiting me." She says, moving aside to let me in.

"I bumped you down my ranks. Trying to kill my sister is a big no-no, Rebekah. I thought we covered this." I say, examining the inside of the house.


"Yeah currently Elijah's my number one. Yaknow- he actually apologizes. Now where the hell is your crazy ass brother." I say making Rebekah raise a brow at my rambling.

"Scarlett." A voice rings from the top of the staircase. My eyes flicker up to see Klaus, his face was solemn and his hands were clasped behind his back. Definitely pissed.

"What a coincidence, I was just looking for your bitch ass." I say making Rebekah turn to her brother.

"What have you done now, Nik?"

"Rebekah leave."

Rebekah looks to me, reluctant to leave me alone I guess. I nod my head, silently assuring her it would be fine. She then zooms off and away from the house, leaving me with Klaus.

"Klaus I-

"Come." He says, before turning on his heel away from me and off to some room upstairs. I follow him despite my mind telling me not to. What if he's leading me to some weird dungeon. Kinky.

I follow him to a room that was rather familiar. The one from the ball. New art pieces hung and in the corner a freshly painted one was stood on an aisle. My eyes are drawn to it as I recognize it as myself.

"That's not creepy." I mutter, despite examining the painting. It was pretty and he was obviously talented. I didn't wanna say that aloud, as you can tell I don't want his head to get any bigger.

"You've come for my blood, yes?" He says, now turning to me and ignoring my earlier statement.

"Didn't bring this for a glass of whiskey." I say holding up the glass. His eyes flicker to the stake.

"And what is that for, then?" He says, referencing the stake. It couldn't hurt him, he knew that I knew that.

"I don't know, just seemed tough in my head if I'm being honest." I shrug, dropping the stake. He only raises a brow as I approach him.

"Now, do the hand bitey thing and hand over some blood so I can save my friend who will die in around twenty-four hours because of you and your anger issues." I say.

"Oh now you didn't think it would be that easy." He says making me roll my eyes.

"And you say I'm the stubborn one." He turns away from me again, and towards his painting. He simply picks up a paint brush and begins painting again.

"Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe it was your feelings for Stefan throwing you off this entire time. What a fool I was for not seeing it sooner." He speaks coldly, not removing his eyes from the painting. I step closer yet again.

"Not that its any of your business, but if it will help you be less of an asshole- I don't have feelings for Stefan. Unlike you and the Salvatores I don't go for people who are in love with my siblings." I say, grimacing slightly at the thought of even being involved in that hot mess love triangle.

Klaus stops his painting for a moment and looks back at me, as if he needs confirmation. Obviously I was telling the truth but I guess he didn't know that for sure.

"Very well, prove it then."


did yall see Klaus trending on twitter lmao.

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