forty two

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"What do you need me for?" I say almost in annoyance as we approach the Salvatore tomb.

"You're apart of the Petrova bloodline, your blood can act as a binding agent for my spell." I look to the older woman in confusion.

"You can't hurt Alaric."

"She's not hurting me." I hear Alaric speak and look to find him but something seems off. Although he looked normal, but something seemed so different about him.

"What's going on? What are you doing with him?" I ask, taking a step forward and examining him carefully.

"I'm going to remake him."

"Remake him?"

"Make him strong, fast, like my children. Indestructible. For one final time I'm going to tap into the dark magic I used a thousand years ago. Like my husband Mikael before him I will make Alaric into a true hunter, a vampire to end all vampires." My mouth drops slightly. Sis you were just trying to kill your children for the same thing.

"You wanna create an original after claiming that they were an abomination that should've never been made in the first place. Aren't you bright."

"He won't be anything like my children now that he has embraced his darkest aspect his hatred for them will become more pure and uncompromising. In death that hatred will be magnified."

"You don't know that, you don't know anything about him."

"That is where you're wrong. Each time he died with that ring during his brief journey into death I was there on The Other Side. I spoke to him, I nurtured him knowing that every death brought him closer to his true self. Vampires took everything from him. Now he's getting his vengeance." Okay creepy much. Vampires took shit from me too, doesn't mean I'm gonna kill every one in the species.

"Ric, this isn't what you want. It's not who you are." I say now turning my attention to the man who seemed to complying. I knew if this went to plan not only would important people in my life would die- but Ric would never be the same. There was nothing I would be able to do.

"You don't know who I am, Scarlett. You only know the weakest parts of me, the man who lost his way befriending vampires instead of killing them."

"You don't mean that."

"They're all monsters. The blood of their victims is on my hands. Jenna's blood is on my hands."

"When you are ready."

"Don't do this. I won't give you my blood. I'm not helping you." I speak, backing away.

"That won't be necessary." Esther smirks before gesturing towards me. Suddenly something slices my palm, making me gasp in shock at the pain. Esther then grabs my arm and holds it to the bowl where my blood drips in.

"Drink. And let it be done." She says, handing him the bowl. I grimace slightly at the pain on my palm but still attempt to step forward to stop him.

"No Ric please, don't." He ignores me completely before drinking the blood.

"Is it finished?"

"Not just yet." I watch with wide eyes as she stabs the white oak stake through his heart.

"He'll wake soon. When he does he may for a time be his old self. If so you can say your goodbyes before his transition is complete." I drop to the ground and examine Alaric's now dead(ish) body in shock. Esther simply pulls the white oak stake from him.

"You said you wanted to undo the evil that you created. Turning a man into something he never asked to be is just as evil." I mutter, still trying to process what she had done.

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