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"Tell him he's gonna leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it." I hear a distant voice as I re-enter my house. Klaus left with Rebekah without a word and I stayed behind to dig in the Salvatores ancient liquor, they wouldn't mind...I hoped.

I walk towards the murmured voices and peek inside the room where everyone had been. Alaric and Elena stood with their backs towards me while Damon and Jeremy sat, talking.

"You're gonna leave Mystic Falls behind and never think twice about it. You're gonna have a better life, Jeremy." My eyes widen as I realize what Damon was doing. He was compelling Jeremy.

"What the fuck?" I say, making my presence known as I step into the room.

Everyones eyes snap to me. Elena's face was covered in tears.

"Scarlett, it's not like-"

"Why are you compelling Jeremy to leave? What the hell is wrong with you?" I spit, raising my voice as I approach the dark haired vampire and attempt to shove him.

He doesn't budge and only looks to Elena for help.

I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Scarlett its to help Jeremy-" I swat away the hand and spin to meet the eyes of my sister.

"Is it to help Jeremy or is it because you think you should control all of his decisions? Who's next? Me?-" I'm cut off by my sudden realization. My mouth falls open as memories flash from the trip I went on only a few months ago.

I don't remember wanting to go, or even being invited by family friends. I don't remember how it even crossed my mind to leave Mystic Falls at such an awkward time.

It was because none of those things ever happened. I was told they did.

"You compelled me to want to leave? You got him to compel me..." I mumbled to myself, trying to process my thoughts and the betrayal.

"We knew Klaus was coming. We wanted you safe, Scar pleas-" She's cut off by my hand coming in contact with her face. She grabs her now red cheek with a look of shock.

A pair of hands, hold me by my shoulders to restrain me as Elena steps back slowly.

"You send me away, with the idea that I chose it. You took away the one thing I had. You took away my free will." I scowl, as angry tears start spilling from my eyes. My heart was pounding and my throat burned with passion.

"Elena was trying to help you. You're lucky you have a sister like her." Damon says from behind me, making me shake off his hold and turn to him.

"Shut the fuck up Damon. Newsflash, just because you wanna get in someones pants doesn't mean you do their bidding and defend them for it." I growl as I again attempt to punch at his chest, which he is unaffected by and only stares down at me.

I see him trying to keep his cool demeanor but for a second I see his eyes flicker with guilt, only for a second.

I then turn back to Elena, with tears streaming down my face.

"Let Damon, Stefan, or whatever other guy you're leading on try to convince you that you're an amazing sister. You will always know deep down that you are nothing but a selfish, spoiled, bitch." I speak slowly, only receiving looks of shock. Before Elena attempts to stutter out a word I grab my bag and storm out of the house into the cool dark night.

"Sprite please." I mutter, sitting down at the stool and attempting to hide my red puffy eyes.

I wondered if Elena had been receiving comfort from Alaric and Damon, if they had been reassuring her that I didn't mean what I said and that I was only angry.

All of it was true but she would believe what they were saying anyways to comfort herself. She would take advantage of the comfort and play victim yet again.

"Coming right up." The bartender says with a small smile before stepping away. I hear foot steps from behind me but decide not to turn and look at the figure.

The person behind me takes a seat and I avoid looking over as much as possible. Not only was I in the middle of a breakdown, with tear stained cheeks but I found myself worrying about any other time Elena had used compelling to bend my free will.

"Doing alright, Sweetheart?" The man speaks, I give in and look up to find the familiar curly haired hybrid.

"If you're here to threaten me because you still haven't found Stefan, I'm sure you can hold off for a day or so." I mutter, as his blue eyes almost examine mine. Probably noticing how red they were. I subconsciously reach up to wipe away any excess tears that I might've missed.

"As alluring as that sounds, that's not why I'm here." He says, trailing off. His face softened as he looked down at me, allowing me to hear his soft voice. Not the one he used around everyone. One that wasn't laced with venom and spite. I turned my head away from him, staring directly in front of me.

His eyes stay on me though and I knew because I could feel them almost burning through me.

"I'm really not in the mood for your villain antics. Don't you ever get tired of them yourself?" I ask genuinely, staring at the shelves of liquor behind the bar. My mind was too exhausted to be angry or snappy at this point.

"Not really." He slightly shrugs, turning in his seat
making his whole body face me.

Suddenly my drink is slid to me and the bartender walks away. I run my finger around the rim of the cool glass and place my elbow on the bar, allowing my face to rest in my hand.

"So what did you really want?" I ask, refusing to look at the man, I always seemed to be lost in his eyes. Not because I found them beautiful or anything weird like that. His eye contact always felt so intense. It threw me in a trance almost.

"I only came by coincidence. But now that I'm here, theres no harm in sharing a few drinks."

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