forty four

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"We'll leave and go wherever you'd like. Perhaps Rome? You'd love it."

"What are you talking about?" I rip my hand from Klaus's grip as we enter his mansion. I was flashed here in a matter of seconds so I am honestly confused as fuck.

The rooms were filled with large boxes, reminding me of his plans of leaving today. I never really thought he would go through with them. Guess I was wrong.

"We're leaving. Unless you fancy the idea of every vampire in the world coming to kill you." He releases me from his grip.

"I can't leave- you sound crazy."

"You're Alaric's human connection. He has the power to kill every vampire in the world- they will want you dead and they will succeed."

"He'll kill everyone if I leave."

"I'm trying to protect you, Scarlett. You know I'm the only one who can. Do not fight me on this because I will kill anyone who attempts to stop you from leaving with me."

"You protecting me? I'm sorry maybe I'm just a little shocked. You're the same guy who has tortured and terrorized my friends since you came to town. I helped you back there- so return the favor and leave me the hell alone."  I turn to leave but Klaus appears in front of me. Seriously why does everyone do that shit.

"It's not the time to put on your little act."

"What act?"

Before he can respond Tyler walks in looking rather concerned.

"Scarlett, are you okay?" He asks, approaching the two of us. Klaus steps in front of me.

"Leave, Tyler. Now." He demands, but Tyler doesn't budge.

"I'm not your little bitch anymore." My eyes widen as I look to Tyler. Theres no way he broke the sire bond, right? I knew they were trying but I didn't even think it was possible.

"How did you break the sire bond?"

"By breaking every bone in my body a hundred times for the girl I love." how romantic...

"That's impossible." Klaus was getting angrier. Dude was definitely on edge. That never ended well for anyone.

"Is it?" Tyler taunts before stepping closer to the older hybrid. "Or maybe real love is stronger than fake loyalty. But what would you know about that?"

"You know, you should be thanking me. I gave you a gift. I took away your misery."

"You didn't give a fuck about me. You just didn't want to be alone. Which is the same reason you feel the sudden urge to protect Scarlett." Tyler raises his voice before shoving past Klaus and holding a hand out to me.

"Come on. You're not leaving with this asshole." I take it which seems to really push Klaus over the edge. What'd I tell ya, ticking time bomb. A cute ticking time bomb- but nonetheless.

Before we can even take a step out of the door I'm pushed to the floor rather roughly. Guess thats what I get for saving his life.

I look up to see Klaus holding Tyler to the wall
with his fist in his chest.

"Klaus! Stop!" I attempt to yell. He doesn't take notice and only tightens his grip on Tyler.

Damon and Stefan suddenly enter the room and grab Klaus by his arms. I stand in shock as Stefan digs his hand into Klaus's chest. Klaus doesn't react- as if he's frozen in shock.

"Stefan, what are you doing?" I speak up, reminding them of my presence. Damon moves away to approach me and grabs me gently. I keep my eyes on Stefan and Klaus in confusion. They wouldn't kill him- he was just helping us. What were they doing?

"Hey, are you okay?" I shake Damon's hands off of me. I see dark veins creep up Klaus's face making my heart drop ever so slightly.

"Stop! What are you doing?" I raise my voice and attempt to approach the two. I'm quickly grabbed by Damon to halt my interference. I see Stefan's eyes flicker to me almost apologetically.

"Let go of me, Damon! Stop-" My fighting halts as Stefan pulls his hand from Klaus's chest and he goes limp. I see Tyler lay his body onto the floor. He was dead.

"Get her home." Damon says, solemnly. Stefan only looks to me before taking me from Damon's arms. I don't remove my eyes from Klaus's body in shock. I can't even process what had just happened.

"Is he dead?" I ask, in shock. Some type of warning would've been nice.

"Not quite."

"You don't wanna come down? Kinda a get out of jail free card with the drinking." I hear Elena's voice from behind me along with my bedroom door slowly cracking open. I kept my eyes fixated on my window where the sun had already set. The street lamps lit the trees with an orange tint which contrasted the dark blue tones that filled the sky. I liked watching it, at least while my thoughts were preoccupied.

"I'm okay. Starting to hate bourbon." I say, still fixated on the wind that softly shook the trees outside of my window. My knees were brought to my chest and a warm throw blanket enveloped me- curtesy of Stefan who seemed rather worried. He left though, to do whatever they had been planning.

"Okay, I didn't come up here to offer my underage sister bourbon." Elena says. I feel a dip in my bed meaning she took a seat.

I turn to look at her. "You don't say?" She sends me a small smile before her tone turns serious.

"I'm worried. Stefan suggested I check up on you so I guess I'm not the only one." She explains. I turn my head back towards my window. I didn't wanna have to explain my feelings- most certainly not to my sister. She had a tendency of being somewhat judgmental at times.

"Scar, you can tell me. I'm sure it can't be too complicated." She sighs at my silence.

"I know they've been trying to figure out a way to get rid of him for so long, I just never figured they'd actually do it." I mutter, running a hand through my hair.

"You mean Klaus?" I look to her and nod lightly.

"I just didn't think I would really feel anything. But I do and I don't know why. I'm upset." I trail off, looking to Elena- hoping she wouldn't look at me as if I were batshit crazy.

"So what, you suddenly feel bad for that psycho? After everything he's done?" There it is. I mean what else could I expect. I sounded stupid.

"Guess I'm just an empath, or something." I attempt to ignore the real reasons I'm feeling so bad. I might as well be the one with the sire bond at this point.

"What are you not telling me, Scar?"

"Nothing. I think I'm just extra emotional with everything going on."

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