IwaOi - Jealous

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Iwaizumi's POV

am i a jealous person? i mean like no, but at the same time everyone i've ever met would call me a filthy liar for saying that. ok so maybe i get jealous sometimes, or constantly, about EVERYTHING. i'm just very competitive weather it be volleyball, or test scores, or strength, but especially MY shittykawa. it's not that i don't trust HIM, because i do 100%, it's those filthy girls that i worry about. (plus he's like SUPER gay, like more gay than me, like i don't think i could put into words how much of a homosexual that man is)

He gets hit on every day, like all the time, it's really annoying how many girls ask him out. i get hit on by girls too but i'm not an idiot, unlike the brown haired setter. i mean have you taken a good look at my boyfriend. so, you can imagine my feelings when i walk to the school gates on my way out to see him surround by a group of seven girls, giving him gifts and stupid little giggles. 'did they wait here after school for him??'

"Oi shittykawa" i shout from the gate, angrily. he looks over to see my face, which i'm sure is terrifying, and gives me a small guilty smile.

"sorry ladies looks like i have to go, see you tomorrow though." he says sounding apologetic.

"w-wait oikawa-san? i have something important i need to ask you." one girl with shoulder length dark hair says.

"go ahead Numi ask away!" he says, 'sometimes i just can't BELIEVE how smiley he is, but i have to admit, he is adorable.' i begin walking up behind him.

"well um- ya see i was wondering if you would maybe... if you're free... possibly want to go out with me sometime?" i feel my own jealousy flair at her words but i already know shittykawa's answer. he has one prepared, to try and come off as nice as possible.

"oh my i'm so sorry, Numi, but between volleyball and school i just don't think i could give my all to a relationship. you are an amazing person, and you deserve someone who WILL give their all, some who will be able to give you the love they promised." he concluded beginning to take a step back.

thinking that would be the end of the interaction i turn around. before i do i glance back to see the girl, apparently named Numi, grabbing his hand, 'don't touch MY BOYFRIEND' all sorts of alarms were going off in my head but i decided shittykawa had this handled. that is until she pulled him forward interlocking their lips. he quickly pushed away, to my relief, but i was LIVID!

'i've had enough of this,' i think to myself. grabbing his collar and dragging him backwards, "hey darling i think he made it PRETTY CLEAR HE ISN'T INTERESTED!!! if you don't back off then there will be hell to pay!! am. i. understood." i begin walking away still holding onto a dazed oikawa's collar.

"why does oikawa-san hang out with that guy? he seems like a jerk!" i hear the girl say.

"oh i don't think they're actually friends, they just play on the same volleyball team." says another.

i sigh and stop walking, "hey shittykawa?"

he comes back to his senses a little, "y-yes Iwa-chan?"

"i'm sorry in advance for what i'm about to do." i say stopping in place and facing him.

"wh-" i cut him off with a forceful yet patient kiss in front of the girls. i feel him melting into it and i think it's pretty clear to them that we were both ok with what was happening. i pull away and turn to face the astonished group.

"yah you're right, we're not friends! we were friends but turns out we're both gay as shit!!we've been dating since halfway through 1st fucking year. now i'll ask you again sweetie: stay THE HELL away from my boyfriend." i finish with an ice cold tone in my voice that could cut like a dagger.

never letting go of his shirt from the kiss i pull shittykawa off of school grounds, 'oh god i really lost my temper back there. i hope he's ok, i mean he did just have two kisses forced on him within like 2 minutes.'

he straightens up (except not really) and takes my hand from his shirt, placing it in his own, "wwwwooooooowwww Iwa-chan i don't think i've ever seen you that jealous! you really lost it huh?" i didn't reply, i didn't know what to say, "but ya know, it's nice to know you're ready for people to find out about us."

"tch whatever," i say grumpily, but he gets an even bigger smile, "you really do need everyone's attention don't you shittykawa?"

"GASP mean Iwa-chan! plus you know i only need your attention, but i do need ALL of it so give me attention now PLEASE!!" he demands reaching out his arms.

"no." i respond bluntly which i immediately regret because he just jumps up on my back and now i'm giving him a piggyback ride.

"oh come on iwa-chan you know you love me!!" he says with a smiley voice. i say nothing, but i don't shove him off either, "ha i NEW IT."

once we arrive at my house he finally gets down and i feel almost weightless. i take my
shoes off and place my bag down to go sit on the couch. but to my surprise oikawa doesn't sit next to me, instead he sits on my lap facing away, 'i'm not sure if he meant to but he just gave me the best opportunity.'

i slowly lean forward and start leaving small kisses along his neck, eventually making them longer and more passionate. "iwaizumi w-what are you doing?"

"well if the worlds gonna know," i say before leaving a dark mark on his shoulder causing him to let out a small humming, "then they're going to know just how much you belong to me. unless... do you want me not stop.. toruu~" i feel him shouter at the use of his first name.

"n-no i- ahm," he tries to finish his sentence but i'm still leaving kisses everywhere i could find, "p-ple-please don't sto- stop." he manages to get out.
Ok so its official: my upload schedule for this story is going to be shit, at least for a little while. i just don't have much motivation and i have a lot of schoolwork right now, mine doesn't get out for a few weeks and i would like you all to FEEL my anger. but seriously it's the wwwworst.
until next time lovelies 💐💐
and remember to be nice to others

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