KageHina - Its like we're celebrities

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kageyama's POV

"babe are you ready? i want to go!" i shout to my boyfriend from down stares.

"ya ya, i'll be right down!" he says back. we've been together for almost 6 years, ever since our second year of high school. we've only played professional volleyball for about a year because of college, but we're very high in international ranking and popularity.

because of our busy practice schedule we hardly get to spend anytime just the two of us, so since today is his birthday we decided we would go to the mall. it seems pretty simple but i'm very excited, "what about your jacket mr. i want to go?" he asked because even though i was rushing him i still managed to fall behind.

"oh god i almost forgot it!" i say turning to grab it.

the drive was pleasant, the trees and grass making it look like a scene from a movie. it also wasn't to long, only about 10 min.

when we arrived i could see his attention immediately sift to a volleyball shop, "kags can we go in? can we? can we???"

"i thought we came here to escape volleyball, this sounds like a stupid idea." i say with a scoff. it's not that i don't want to go in but i think there are just better ways we could spend our time.

"but loooookk... they have an equipment testing area!! pppppplllleeeaaase??" he looks at me with his biggest puppy eyes.

he looks so adorable grabbing my arm and jumping up and down like a little kid, "ya fine." i say keeping my monotone exterior.

everything seemed pretty normal until i see his eyes go big, "*loud overly dramatic gasp*"

"what's wrong sho??" i say with a very worried expression.

"look look look look!!!!" he says running towards the source of his excitement, "they have our jerseys, they even have our names on the back!!! this is sooo cool!! we're like actual celebrities!!" i can't lie, that is actually pretty exciting.

i feel a look of pride grow on my face, "oh woah," i say picking up the one with my name on the back, "that's really awesome! i kinda want them but we have the real things at home."

"ya that's a good point," he said not sounding as sad as i thought he'd be.

"i'm going to go over to the testing area you can do whatever you want," i say picking up they same kinda ball we have at home.

hinata's POV

after tobio walked away i just browsed the very large collection of volleyball apparels. i wasn't really paying attention when all the sudden two kids walked up to me, "excuse us sir but you wouldn't happen to be shouyou hinata would you?"

i turn to them a little confused, "uhh ya that's me, why?"

both of their faces went blank then all the sudden cheers erupted, "wait i can't believe it!!" "alfjfheshshchdhsbsba" "i- uh- we... ahhhhhh" and this carried on for a few seconds, the whole time i was just standing there confused.

then the kid who asked me if i was me gained his composure... ish, "uh- hi sir, i'm- well my name is Tomodachi, and this is my uhhhh friend Kareshi. we're huge fans and would love an autograph... if it's not to much trouble?"

"WHAT?" i practically shout at them, with the biggest smile on my face, "wait really, ah this is so exciting of cour-"

"shouyou what's wrong what just happened?!?!?" i was cut off by a conserved looking tobio who must have heard my yell.

the boys stood there in shock, eyes glued to him, 'they must also be fans of tobio's,' i think to myself, "tobi come here these guys just asked me for an autograph! do you even understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?? this is soooo exciting!!!" i say practically jumping up and down with joy.

"boke i thought something was really wrong... but ya i guess that is really exciting." he responds almost mumbling the last part.

now the second kid, Kareshi, speaks up, "oh wow so you guys really are friends in real life, i guess that makes sense." he says sounding nervous, "is it possible we could get both of your autographs we're hhhuge fans?" he finishes

kags chuckles, "well ya you can have our autographs but we're not technically friends, this guy is an annoying little prick." he says walking next to me

i turn to him, "shit up stupidyama you know you love me!!!" then i turn back around, "we're actually dating, we've been together for about 6 years."

they get a happy look on there face then the first kid steps in, "well then let me reintroduce us, i'm Tomodachi, and this is my boyfriend Kareshi." (ok but can i just say that when i typed 'boyfriend' at first i missed the y and hit t... so i had 'bot' and my phone suggested bottom... i was tempted)

"oh well it's nice to meet you two, would you like those autographs now!?" i say still super excited

"yes please sirs!"

after that we went our separate ways, "tobio that was so cool, first we found those shirts, then we gave our first autograph!!! this is such an AMAZING birthday!!!" he smiles as we walk together hand in hand.

"it's not over yet, i have a surprise for later." he says and i almost push for details but i know he'll never tell me anything.
first of all the surprise is that he is going to propose, if you want i can do a part 2. and yes it was actually hinata's bday on the 21st but whatever better late than never.
second of all sorry i haven't posted in a while i'm working on another fanfic but this one is a little more serious so i felt like i needed to do some research. i'm writing a lot of drafts before publishing anything so i'll let you know when it's up if for some reason you want to keep reading my crappy writing. but don't worry i'm going to keep updating this one, it just might slow down.
Until next time lovelies 💐💐
and remember to be nice to others

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