BokuAka - he's very dense

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(ok i'm sorry but can we all just take a second to appreciate that Akaashi is just objectively pretty)

Akaashi's POV

we had just won our final game in the prefectural tournament meaning we would go to nationals. this surprised exactly no one. we were the great fukurōdani after all, our school was expected to make it into — at least — the top 6 in the country.

there are only a few things i truly love in this world, one of which happens to be volleyball. so this was actually pretty exciting. but when i say "a few" i really mean just two. the second one being bokuto katouro. now you might be thinking, "akaashi, if you love bokuto so much why aren't you guys dating? why haven't you confessed?" well the answer is simple: i have. or at least i've tried to.

you see this boy i'm so deeply in love with happened to be completely dense. not only have i confessed to him, i've done it 13 times.

but that is neither here nor there, right now we are celebrating our win as a team, "HEY HEY HEY 'KASHI!! did you see that last shot i made? did ya? did ya?"

"yes bokuto, i saw it, it was very impressive." i say trying to keep up my calm facade. it really was a fantastic shot, but i would never say that to HIM. it would go right to his head, and he has a big enough ego as it is.

we were in the main foyer of the gym waiting for everyone to finish getting ready to leave, this is when a blond girl with shoulder length hair walked up to me, "hi my names mahi, i was watching you play and i thought you looked really skilled!"

'oh god i know where this is going' i think to myself, 'poor girl, she is objectively pretty, to bad i'm gay as shit.' "oh- uh thank you. i guess."

"i've also heard around school that you're really nice! so i was wondering if you maybe wanted to see a movie or something on friday?" she didn't let my blank face discourage her, or at least she didn't let it show.

out of the corner of my eye i see bokuto looking rather perturbed, 'this is ridiculous! i KNOW he likes me too, because he makes it painfully obvious' i think getting a little annoyed by the thought. i turn my attention back to the girl and begin my polite decline, "I-"

however i was cut of very quickly by one bokuto katouro who was obviously upset but trying to hide it, "hey AKAAAAASHI!! could you maybe tutor me on Friday at my house?"

'that little shit, he knows i physically can not say no to him,' i give a light sigh before replying, "yes of course bokuto. we can walk together after school." he gave me a bright smile and walked off... i swear to god i almost melted.

i looked back at the girl to see her looking quite sad at the indirect decline, "i'm sorry mahi i really can't say no to him. but i also don't want to get your hopes up for another time because i do have someone i already really like."

she gave me a sad smile, "bokuto is a lucky guy, and i hope he realizes it sooner then later. good luck with it." she concluded then disappeared into the crowd, 'am i that obvious??!?'

(tIMe SkIp bECaUse i CaN and you can't stop me)

it was already friday and i have to admit i've been looking forward to this day all week. this was the day i was finally going to get my point across to bokuto that i like him *loud over dramatic sigh* no matter how long it takes.

once school let out i walk towards the gate, to my surprise bokuto was already there. he looked very inpatient, as usual, and got a huge smile when he first saw me. on our walk bokuto was doing most of the talking, but that's how it always is. he talks ➪ i respond ➪ he keeps talking if he likes my answer.

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