BokuAka - persistent

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(eiji - keiji akaashi)
(kou - Koutarou Bokuto)

Akaashi's POV
we were walking down the sidewalk heading home from an ice cream place. it was a comfortable silence until, "hey eiji?"

"yes kou?"

"will you be my boyfriend?"

"no, kou." i say in a flat monotone voice, unsurprised by the question. but what did shock me was what he did next. kou grabbed my wrist and made us both stop walking and face each other.

"no, keiji, i mean it this time." i stood there with my eyes wide. i always has a good reason to say "no" but right now, i can't think of any.

the first time he did this we were little kids, maybe 6 or 7. on a hot summer day laying on my bedroom floor bored, and all the sudden he sat up, "hey eiji?" he said as i sit up too.

"yes Kou?"

"will you be my girlfriend?" he asked completely serious.

i said the first thing that came to mind, "i can't be your girlfriend, i'm a boy."

he thought really hard for a second, which was rare for Kou, "then will you be my boyfriend?"

"kou we're to young to date." i responded.

he quickly dropped the subject and we went to the beach.

but that wasn't the last time. in fact he repeated this question at least once a day, there were a few that really stuck out to me though...

it was third grade

"hey eiji?" he said in the same tone as always, i knew what was coming.

"yes kou?"

"will you be my boyfriend?"

"since you ask me so much i asked my mom, she said i am aloud to date boys, but i can't date anyone until i'm 14." he looked defeated

"then i'll ask you every day until then, and expect you to say no!" he said and he did

then there was fifth grade: the first time he said it in front of adults who weren't immediate family

it was his 11th birthday party, "hey eiji?"

"yes kou?"

"will you be my boyfriend?"

"no kou." since he was ready for the answer and the kids had all heard it before we just kept playing. but the adults... they all froze, then stared at our parents. expecting them to say something.

afterwords i was pulled aside with kou by this women, one of our friends moms, "you boys know you can't date right?"

"yes ma'am," kou said with a smile, "because we're too young!"

her face only grew more serious, and i started getting anxious, looking around for my parents, "well yes, you two are too young to date, but also because boys can not date other boys."

i didn't know why at the time but i felt like hiding under a table and never coming out. kou, however, was ready to keep talking, "our parents said it would be ok if we were older, also why would i want to date a girl, girls are ickey."

"now you boys need to listen very closely, you can no-"

"i'm sorry karen but please stop telling my son who he can and can't date. that is his decision. as for Koutarou, he can make his own decisions as well." my mom finally found us and cut her off.

"you can't be serious?!?" the women said looking very offended. but when my mom didn't respond with anything besides a harsh stare she stalked away.

that was my first time thinking that some people may not like the idea of two boys dating. i had also never even considered dating a girl before. the next day was the one and only example of when kou did not ask me out.

then came my 14th birthday, as you probably remember, my mom said i can date people until i'm 14, so this was the first time i was scared of hurting kou's feelings.

"hey eiji?"

"yes kou?" i said tariffed by what i knew what was coming next, but i had a pretty good excuse planned.

"will you be my boyfriend?"

"no kou." he gave me a frown

"but you're 14 now!!" he said or maybe more playfully shouted than spoke.

"because," i said in my usual emotionless voice, "we're starting high school soon, and if we don't go to the same school we won't see each other as much.

"that's fair... i guess." he said and we continued the party.

but here we are, back to the present, and i have always had an excuse: to much school work, to much volleyball, to many staring eyes. but here we are: in the middle of summer break, after a big tournament just ended, and it's only us alone on the sidewalk.

i am still frozen, completely shocked, "well eiji? if you say no this time i'll know you really mean it, and i won't bother you again." he said staring into my eyes.

before i knew what was happening i had my hand on his jaw line and i was half leaned into a kiss. i let bokuto close the gab (because consent people!!!!) and his lips were so soft, softer than anything i've ever felt. he wrapped his arms around my waist and i put mine on his shoulders. i don't know where i got the confidence to do this. i've liked kou for a long time and right now, i can't think of one reason to stop kissing him.

if i had known how well our lips fit together i would have done this years ago. but right now is i feel so safe, and i would kiss him forever if i could. all i can think about are the contact points between the two of us, but we need to breath. so we pulled apart at the same time, not letting go of each other.

"can i take that as a yes?" he said with a smirk.

"i think it's a definitely." i say kissing his cheeks then his nose.

we start walking but hold hands, our fingers interlocked, "you know eiji, if you had just said yes when we were 14 we could have been doing that for 3 years by now."

usually i would have come up with some witty response, some quip to wipe his victories smile off his face, but right now i'm on cloud nine. my mind is a complete mess, and i am worried what might come out if i opened my mouth, so i just placed my head on his shoulder and continued walking.
Word count: 1092
so this was inspired by the picture at the top and a quote about persistence coming up consecutively in my instagram feed hope you liked it
also notice how even though bokuto was very clear about the fact that he wanted to date akaashi, the kiss was still consented to by both parties in the moment.
until next time lovelies 💐💐
and remember to be nice to others

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