KuroKen - insomnia

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Kenna's POV

i have insomnia, i was diagnosed at 13 but i haven't gotten a full night's sleep since i was 12. it really is the worst, but i'm lucky enough to have an amazing boyfriend who i can call when i haven't slept in a few days. at first i felt really bad, but then he started calling me every night at midnight to make me feel better about doing it when it's late.

now you might be wondering who this angel of a human being is, well he's definitely no angel. he's a dirty minded overprotective slob who always has to be right and who also happens to be the most important person in the world to me. his name: kuroo tetsurou. now would i ever tell him he's my favorite person? no. does he already know it? god i hope not.

right now happens to be one of those nights, so i pick up my phone and press call. it rings for so long that i was worried he wouldn't pick up but then like always he does, "hey kenma," he says with a drowsy voice, "trouble sleeping?"

"yah." i say quietly because my family is normal and so they're asleep.

"want to video call and i can read you a story?" i don't answer i just push the button, once he excepts i see his smiling face and i feel 1000000 times better.

"also kenma, when's the last time you got at least three hours of sleep?" i don't answer because i know he'll be a little upset, "kenma... you have to answer the question or else i'm not reading." he says in a slightly more stern voice.

"sunday..." i was hoping he won't really hear.

"kenma it's saturday night... are you trying to say you haven't slept in a week?"

"well i have slept just not three hours... also sunday technically wasn't a week ago." i say with a hopeful look on my face.

"kenma it is sunday because it's 2:00 in the morning and yesterday was technically saturday." he gives me a disappointed look.

"can we just get to reading i think it might help." he shakes his head and starts to stand up.

"no kenma i'm coming over. i'll take the book with me if you want."

"what?!?? wait no you can't!!!" i feel my face get a little red but he didn't answer. i could see him putting his shoes on, "kuroo you really can't... i won't let you in."

"kenma. i'm coming over to help you fall asleep, that's all. and you say i'm the dirty minded one." he gives a light chuckle.

"fine." i cave in, "are you going to stay on the call for the whole walk?" i ask in an annoyed voice but he knows i'm happy

"i think i'll have to hang up, but it's not far at all, you live two houses down." he was right i couldn't argue with that.

after less than a minute i hear a knock on my door and i go to answer it. there he is, a whole seven inches taller than me, my beauti- i mean annoying boyfriend.

before i could say anything he picks me up bridal style and kicks off his shoes, "hey koruu put me down!!" i whisper yell at him.

he shakes his head slowly, "no, i'm carrying you to your room." i couldn't struggle. i probably wouldn't be able to get free, and even if i did i would just fall hard on the floor.

after he easily carried me up the steps he flopped on my bed and cuddled me tight. i was so warm and comfy i had to snuggle in a little closer, "aww someone's clingy tonight. ay kitten?"

i immediately try to push away, "don't call me that!" he didn't let me move though

"oh come on kenma, you know you love it. you know you love me!! come on say it, if you do i'll get you an apple pie." that was a hard offer to refuse

"fine i love you... but you better follow up on that apple pie!"

"pfft, that's gay." he says with a chuckle, "and of course i'll get you the pie... kitten..." i was getting drowsy, yes my boyfriend is annoying, yes he called me gay while he also literally won't stop cuddling me, but i was about to fall asleep so i could care less.

kuroo's POV

kenma finally fell asleep, he always does when i come over, he says i calm him which makes me feel really possessive. he needs me to help him fall asleep and i will protect this sleeping angel with my life. kenma is mine, until he tells me otherwise but i don't think that day will ever come.

i lay there and watch him sleep for a long time, i mean how could you not. his hair gracefully swept back except for a few stray pieces that rest calmly on his beautiful pale skin. his eyelashes are so long and he has such a cute little button nose. not to mention that he emanates the smell of green apple. i was completely infatuated by everything about my boyfriend. his small waist that aloud me to wrap my arms around him, his soft hands that fit perfectly inside my own.

i kiss the top of his head, then his neck, the. once more on the top of his head before i stop myself, 'i would feel so bad if i woke my little insomniac boyfriend.' after that thought i hugged him a little titter before drifting off to sleep myself.

(time slip to the morning brought to you by oikawa's ego)

i woke up to a familiar smell: green apples. i was so content to
just stay there that i almost didn't notice the something else that was mixed in. pancakes?

when i looked up i see kenma still blissfully asleep, 'good he got a solid 9 hours of sleep if he didn't wake up, that's a new record,' i think to myself after turning my attention to his bedside clock that read 11:34am. then i started wondering who was making the pancakes, 'oh his mom must have come in to check on him and saw that i was here so she- OH SHIT I BET KENMA DIDNT TELL HER I WAS HERE,' i did show up at midnight after all that's a little suspicious.

she knows we are dating but still i don't want to just come into her house unannounced, 'well i guess that's something to deal with when this beautiful human isn't letting me hold him.'
Word Count: 1177
ok but can we just acknowledge it's cannon that kenma has to have long hair because if his range of vision is to wide he gets anxiety.
also can we please discuss that fannon kenma will quietly ask you for a hug, but cannon kenma would hit you with a chair 72 times without saying anything if you come within a five foot radius.

hope your all well and while i'm sure none of you care i FINALLY finished my essay. that means i'm DONE with school this year... except for summer homework because of stupid honors classes ('༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
until next time lovelies 💐💐
and remember to be nice to others

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