BokuAka - gay panic 1/2

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(ok so this is the true story of how i met my crush... we both play volleyball. i'm going to continue the story past what is actually true but it's honestly kinda crazy so i thought i'd start off with it (in this akaashi would be me and my crush is bokuto i'm just changing the names and stuff))(also please read the comic at the top i really like it)

akaashi's POV

today we have a volleyball game, i know crazy for a volleyball team. we've never played this school before so it should be interesting but it's an away game so i'm not looking forward to the two hour round trip bus ride.

oh the way there i just listen to music because i wasn't really interested in talking, it was boring but we eventually arrived.

because i'm in a higher grade, we have the second game and my team settles down in the stands to watch our underclassmen play. we weren't allowed our phones while in the gym so i had to talk... it's not that i don't like my friends but i just really don't feel like talking.

while we all sat in a little semicircle i begin to watch the game. i'm scanning the court when all the sudden my eyes land on this guy. he has spiked black and white hair and if i'm being completely honest kinda looks like an owl. he seems like the kind of guy who would get really annoying really fast... but god he's really hot.

i pick up my water bottle to take a drink when all the sudden he turns around and i see his gold eyes that almost look like they're glowing, "fuck i'm gay..." i say out loud spitting out my water in the proses.
(yes this part is also true)

my teammates all look at me confused and we sit there in silence for a few seconds until my best friend finally decides to speak, "uhh akaashi we all already knew that... but why did you spit out your water?"

i feel my face heat up and all the sudden a look of realization flashes across all of their faces and i was hit with a flurry of questions, "oOoH so who is it?" "is he on the other team? talk about fraternizing with the enemy!" "wait which one is he?" "what does he look like??"

i couldn't possibly answer them all separately so instead i just decide to tell them who he was, "see that guy over there with the spiky hair, that one." after a finish my sentence they all seem to understand why i liked him. i mean they're mostly straight but he was just objectively very attractive.

after a bit more pestering they left me alone... but by that time i was a blushing mess.

we won that game and i didn't think much of him after that. ok that's a lie... i thought of him for at least a few. but ya know time passes and eventually the guy you saw once in your whole life and never had a conversation with slips your mind.

but then we had another game-although this was several weeks later-agents the same team. i honestly didn't think much of it, mostly because i never know what school we're playing on what days.

again i had the second game and again i was settled in the bleachers as the other team walked in. i watch the door when all the sudden i see him, the owl guy... 'oh wow i kinda forgot how hot he was!' i notice my face begin to heat up and so does the rest of my team.

"ohohohoho guys look it's akaashi's boyfriend!" say one of my teammates teasingly

"shut up he's not my boyfriend, i've never even had a conversation with him!!" i whisper shout back at him.

"ok but seriously you should go talk to him." he responds

"oh god who do you take me for: someone with confidence? also he's probably straight anyway." i say and the topic is pretty quickly dropped.

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