IwaOi - dont think about it

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(ok so this one is a little more sad than the others but i guess it's more a sad story with a happy ending than just sad writing (if that makes any sense))
(and it's based off the screenshot above, oikawa IS cis (not trans) but he is also gay so it's more based on the op than the replies)
(⚠️i have rewriten some stuff in this chapter, mostly age 16 (which will make more sense as you read))
⚠️TW for homophobia⚠️

8 months pregnant

iwaizumi and oikawa were best friends and knew each other since college. the two women ended up as neighbors and were bridesmaids in each others wedding. they were also each pregnant at the same time and they planed on making sure their kids were just as close as they were.

2 years old

as oikawa crawled across the living room he hit his head on the corner of the coffee table, being a two year old he did what anyone other toddler would: began sobbing.

the moment he started crying iwaizumi was right next to him, comforting his best friend. hugging him and making sure he new it would be ok.

Oikawa's POV
for the rest of the story

6 years old

walking down the street with my mom i saw something i'd never seen before: two guys kissing. i didn't know that was a thing you could do... i wanted to do that! girls were... weird.

"hey mama, look over there! look at those two guys! is that a thing people can do?!?" she didn't answer, she just held my hand a little tighter and walked a little faster.

later that night at home she sat me at the table, "hey tōru, do you remember the two men you saw earlier that were kissing?"

"mhm!! i didn't know that was a thing people could do!!"

"that's because it's not. men and women can kiss but that's it ok, do you understand?"

"ya i understand but why?"

"tōru this is serious, men can't kiss other men. it's just wrong. promise me you understand."

"ya that makes sense, i've never seen anything like that before and it seems weird." i shrug it off, but that was a lie. i didn't think it was weird, it actually felt much more normal than kissing a girl. i decided i shouldn't think about it.

11 years old

it was thanksgiving and i was sitting at the table with my family, they were talking politics when a sour subject came up, "did you all hear that same sex marriage is being legalized in the U.S.? just discussing." one of my uncles said.

"yes i couldn't agree more, it would destroy the whole family dynamic!" my father cuts in, my whole family- including myself- nodded their heads in agreement.

'i can't imagine why people just choose to be gay, i don't know why they would do that. like people would just hate you for it; plus it's wrong. i mean sure guys are cute but being gay is wrong, i wonder what it would be like...' i couldn't help but think to myself.

for some reason i felt so uncomfortable and started having what was definitely a mini panic attack at the dinner table. i wasn't sure why but decide i shouldn't think about it.

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