TskuiYama - do you love me?

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ok so the water mark for the art say "ifunny.co" so credit to them

Yamaguchi's POV
it is the end of the day, after practice, tsuki has been distant. but that's not new. the past few weeks i've slowly been realizing that he only gives me any attention during practice or after school. i mean sure we eat together but he's usually on his phone. sometimes i feel like he might be embarrassed by me.

i thought he had left me but when i turn the corner there he is, leaning agents the wall, "you're late." he said starting to walk away.

i can not lie it hurt more than usual, but i try to pay it no mind, "sorry tskui!" i say running to catch up. it's friday, that means that tsuki and i are having a sleep over. this is a tradition we've had since we were 12.

as we were walking i tried to make nice conversation, but it didn't feel like he wanted to talk. so i stayed quiet. after like 15 minutes we finally made it.

"hello boys," his mother chirped, "i'm sorry to leave you so quickly but my sister had to leave town suddenly so i have to go watch your cousin kei. i made dinner and cut up some snacks for you to have in the meantime. love you both!" she said before leaving the house. honestly it was remarkable those to are related.

"want to eat something?" i ask. to which he response with a small nod.

after some time spent with sparse conversation and video games we decided to go to bed. as usual tsuki made a small bed out of blankets for himself and let me have his bed. once we were comfortable i say what i do every night, whether it's through text or in real life, "love you tskui sleep well."




i'm not sure what i expected, this is what always followed me saying that: silence and tskui staring into my eyes. but tonight... tonight i wanted a response.

"tsuki, do you love me?" i finally blurt out in the most monotone voice i could muster. he gets a confused and slightly annoyed look on his face.

"what?" he asks

"kei, do you love me?" this only made his face grow more irritated, but i was not about to give this up like every other darn time i try to talk to him.

"that's a stupid question." he says flatly rolling over to his other side on the makeshift bed.

"why kei?? why is it a stupid question!!??" he was no longer the only upset one. i hold in my temper because i'm not good with confrontation, but sometimes everything that i've been holding in blows up. if tsuki isn't carful this night will not end well.

"because, tadashi," he says with a sharper tone than usual, as if he had a right to be angry right now, "you should already know the answer."

i've had enough, so i stand up out of tsuki's bed without a word and begin grabbing my stuff, "where are you going?" he asks with slight concern, as if that would make any of this any better.

"i'm leaving tsukishima," i say. i don't think i've called him that since grade school, he stiffened hearing it leave my mouth. "i'm leaving and im never coming back. unless you can answer my question. BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE ANSWER IS!!! you say i should now but i don't!! you've never said it!!! but you sure do say a lot of mean things acting like you're better than me!!!! you practically deny our relationship that is supposedly public!! so much so that people will hit on you while i'm right next to you."

he was now standing up and had a look of genuine worry on his face. it's to late for just worry i need to hear it, "so tsukishima, answer my question. do. you. love. me? or you can forget this whole relationship ever happened." at this point the rage and anger that had been boiling inside me was leaking out into my voice and in the hot tears rolling down my face. they were both filled with venom.

there was more silence, i was waiting, then i realized i've waited for far to long, ive waited my whole life, "please do not talk to me again, unless it's necessary." i turn around feeling the tears increase on my face and start walking out. part of me thought he would do something, say something but i guess i expected to much out of my boyfr- ex boyfriend.

all the sudden i feel him grab my wrist, i look back to see his face looking completely destroyed. we stand there in silence for what felt like forever. i'm about to pull my hand away when all the sudden he speaks up, "yam- tadashi, i would do anything for you, i would walk to the moon and back... run laps around the sun. tadashi, for you, i'd steal the stars."

all the sudden he pulls me into a tight embrace, "i love you so, so much, and i'm sorry. i'm sorry i made you feel like i don't want people to know we are dating. im sorry because i know i don't deserve someone as amazing as you by my side and i know i've been an ass. i'm so sorry for not telling you just how much i love you sooner. i'm not great with words but just know that i will always love you more than anything else on this planet. and i'm sorry i messed up the best thing in my life. i-i... i wish you the best in future relationships and remember that i'll always be here if you need me." he let go as if i was going to walk out.

but he didn't move back, instead he just stood there, very close. i could feel his shaky breaths as he fought against the sea of tears that were already spilling through. in one swift movement i dropped my bag and tackled him onto the bed, "kei that's... that's all i.. needed to hear." i say between sobs. i nuzzle my face into his chest and feel him tentatively place him arms around my back.

after a moment he tightens his grip and kisses the top of my head. we both fall asleep like that. content. and finally. at ease with the other's company.
word count: 1100

ok so have i posted three chapters today? yes. do they have a total of more than 3,900 words? yes. have i started that essay? no. am i having a panic attack because i'm an A's student and have such bad grade anxiety that i check my grades four times a day even though i get notifications when they change? yes. does this mean i'm going to start the essay? no because it's so late and it would be crap.
until next time lovelies 💐💐
and remember to be nice to others

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