KageHina - Little Gestures

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when it happened it wasn't romantic like in the movies, not much in there relationship was. things did change when they started dating, but it was barely noticeable. they would still yell at each other as they walked home although now they would hold hands at the same time. they would still practice late into the night, although now even later they would text little "love you boke sleep well"s and "love you too bakayama"s.

but like i said, when it happened- when they finally kissed- it wasn't like a movie. there were no fireworks no orchestra no flashy performance to show that this moment was special. it was just the two of them, and that was all they needed.

right then hinata didn't care about the spikes he missed during practice, all he cared about was kageyama's hands running through his hair. right then kageyama didn't need to breath, all he needed was hinata's lips on his own.

they pulled away slowly and as they did so neither one of them longed for more. in each others embrace on a warm night in the middle of the sidewalk, heading home from practice was exactly where they wanted to be, as long as they could stay right there, they'd be happy.

"ya know tobes i think you should do that more often..." hinata said with his head still resting on his boyfriend's chest.

"well you seemed really upset about practice today and it was the only way to get you to shut up and stop rambling." kageyama responded

"well now that think about it your tosses were kinda sloppy today, you sure you're feeling ok?" hinata asked in a mocking tone.

"I'm never sloppy boke!!" kags practically shouted as they continued to argue. all the while the two never let go of each other, and neither made any move to walk away.

like i said it wasn't as romantic as something you would see on the big screen... but it was somehow uniquely them. they never needed big flashy gestures to show each other they loved them, it was all in the little things. like how hinata knew kageyama would always push him up to the summit, and kageyama knew hinata would never let him fall. they could rely on each other and that was something that could never be changed, no matter how much they yelled.
word count: 399
ok so this is a shorter chapter but i think it's kinda sweet...
ALSO MY BROTHER IS GRADUATING TODAY!!! i know none of you probably care but i'm just sooo proud of him!! i have 5 siblings and out of all of them i think he has had the roughest go of it... i'm just so happy he made it here!!! and while i'm never gonna show him (because how do you explain to your brother that you are still only attached to women but you write mlm fanfic) but leave him some congrats in the comments :))

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