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I entered inside and found my dad reading morning newspaper. He still didn't realise my presence.

"Pa...." I called him.

"Esha!" My dad stood up and I hugged him crying. My mom heard my voice and came out from the kitchen.

"Esha you came this early? Who droped you dear?" My mom asked worriedly.

"I came cab." I said with a fake smile.

"Come...." My mom pulled me towards the dinning, "I have made all your favourite dishes, everything you like. You can have everything and how much ever you want."

I sat on one of the chair and started eating. It have been too long since I have had all this food. All my sorrows were vanished away seeing the food. First I smelled it and then slowly took in everything, rolled it and kept it in my mouth and took a small and steady bite. Ummhh!! Mom's food is tasty for everyone.

"Ma, this is why you are best." I went and hugged her happily.

"What the hell? Did you reach this fast?" Ruhi comes out rubbing her eyes still sleepy.

"Ruhi come I wanna talk with you. Ma I will have this after talking with her." I pulled her.

"Where are you going? Talk here only. " my mom said.

"No no some sisters secret!" I winked and pulled her to the terrace.

"Oh! The sun is hot. Why you bringing me upstairs?" Ruhi hides her face inorder to maintain her skin tone.

"Listen, why the hell you blocked me? What was wrong with you? You have no idea how crazy I went!!! You moron!" I screamed .

"Not me! Mom found out that I came to your home. She blocked your number, Dua's and even Aadhvik's. She was extremely mad. I had no options left." Ruhi explains herself.

"Can't yo-" my words were cut short by the vibration on my phone. I looked and found Dua's phone call, Oh shit! I didn't even see her before leaving the home. She is going to kick me out.

"You go have food now. I will come." I said to Ruhi and she ran covering her face with my shawl.

"Hello Dua!" I answered her call.

"When the hell did you leave? Why couldn't you come and see me. Oh my goodnes! ESHAAAA I am gonna slap you hard I swear. You Buffon!" Dua screams.

"I don't know. I just came like that. Sorry!" I apologized.

"Fine, how are you? What happened? What did your mom tell? Why did Ruhi block you? Who dropped you?" She asked me endless questions.

"Aadhvik dropped me..................................... It seems my mom was so mad and she blocked all my contacts." I sighed.

"I feel so guilty. I shouldn't have posted." Dua says,

"No! It was my mitake Dua. I have to go now. I will talk to you later bye."

"Listen I am going to my inlaws house and from there I am going to my mom's house. I won't be here for some time." She said.

"Really? That's really nice. Have fun Dua. I have to go now. I will talk to you later." I ended the call. I really didn't want to remind myself about what happened yesterday. It was a complete disaster.

I kept thinking about what Aadhvik must be doing now and was finally brought back to senses on Ruhi calling my name.

"Why are you screaming? What you want?" I asked her.

"Lunch is ready come down, we will eat!" She called me and ran back down. Let me stop thinking of all this atleast for today. I went down and reached the dinning and find once again all my favourite dishes cooked.

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