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Tonight's Leo's house warming party. David and I were invited, through Lily and Oliver, I still havent seen or heard from Leo himself. He's been in town for two weeks. I debated about even telling David and just not going. But I thought about it and decided we can't avoid Leo forever since we share the same friends. I asked David and gave him the option. He agreed to go.

Things have been a little strained between David and I. I told him that Leo showed up that day and that we kissed. I didn't share any further details. I know it's not right but I figured that would be to much for him to forgive. However, I couldn't say nothing at all, it just didn't feel right.

He was hurt and angry and he had every right to be. But after we fought and took a day to cool off we sat down and talked about everything. I told him I wanted to be with him and thankfully he gave me another chance.

So now here I am getting ready to go spend the evening with my boyfriend and the man who I cant seem to keep my legs closed around. I shake my head and tell myself tonight will be different. I can do this. It's not like I'm sex deprived. David and I had sex three days ago.

I put the final touches on my make-up just as the doorbell rings.

"Em, you look beautiful." David says when I open the door. He leans in and kisses my lips. I'm wearing a blue backless maxi dress. David's in green shorts and a white button down with the sleeves rolled.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself. Just let me grab my bag and then I'm ready." I walk over and grab my beach bag. "Did you remember your swimsuit or should I grad the one from the laundry room?" Leo has a pool and we were all told to bring swimwear if we wanted to spend time in the pool.

"I have it in the car." We lock up and head out to his car. As he opens the door for me he asks, "You ready for this?"

I turn to him and place my hand on his chest. "Yes. Are you?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Thank you for doing this. I know it's hard for you and we can leave whenever you want." I go up on my toes and kiss him.

The ride doesn't take long and before we know it we're standing on Leo's front porch. We're a little late. I didn't want to chance being the first people here. That would of been awkward with a capital A instead of just awkward.

Oliver opens the door. "Hey guys come on in. Leo's working the grill so I'm playing hostess. Here let me take your bag. I'll put it in the bedroom upstairs second door on the left. Head in and someone will get you a drink."

"Thanks." He goes upstairs and David places his hand on my back as we walk farther into the house. The house is stunning. Its modern, open and has an incredible view out to the backyard and pool. There's beautiful artwork hung on all the walls.

Millie comes to give me a hug. "Em. David. You made it. Would you like a drink? Hunters playing bartender in the kitchen."

David answers before I can. "Yes, please."

We walk into the kitchen and say hi to everyone. It's the usual gang and a few people I don't know. David actually sees a fellow doctor and goes to say hello.

The girls all immediately swarm me. Lily's the first to talk, "So, how's David? He looks a little tense. And how are you? You look a little green. Beautiful but green."

"David's okay. I don't think he's thrilled to be here but he's trying for me. The fact that he knows someone here will help I think. Why is Doctor Lang here?"

Just then Oliver walks up. "Leo met her while working with the hospital on Cassie's Hope and he invited her."

"Like a date?" The question leaves my lips before I can stop myself.

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now