I'm a Sucker...

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Damn she's good. And she looked sexy as hell up there. I really need to stop torturing myself and just stay away from her. If only it was that easy. I head up to the stage and wait for the music to start.

I decided to sing a Brett Young song. You Ain't Here to Kiss Me. I can sing all different kinds of music but this song seems fitting.

While I'm signing my eyes are automatically drawn to Emma and she's just watching with a little smile on her face. I thought she might find the humor in my song choice.

When the song ends I make my way back to the table but I'm stopped by a group of women. A tall brunette places her hand on my chest. "I'm definitely here to kiss you if you need someone."

I politely decline and keep moving. I haven't slept with anyone since I've been here. I never scheduled that rain check with Ashley and I haven't picked anyone else up. I probably should instead of torturing myself over Emma.

I've thought about calling her a million times and telling her I want to be with her but then I remember she picked him. But, I also can't bring myself to leave her alone. I'm a dick, I know.

I grab my drink off the table and turn to her. "So?"

"So, what?"

"So, was I any good or not?"

"Oh, you know you were good. I saw you had an admirer."

"She offered to kiss me. You know since you won't."

"So will I find her on her knees in front of you in a back room somewhere later on?"

"Now now gorgeous, you should probably watch it. That sounded a little bit like jealousy."

"I'm just curious. Do all women drop to their knees in front of you? I mean I did. Ashley did. And I'm sure Miss big boobs over there would. Is that like your super power or something? Women see your dick and they automatically must bow down to it?"

Clearly Emma has had quite a bit to drink. I lean in closer to her and talk in her ear.

"I dont know honey. Is that what happened with you? Did you feel the need to bow down at the site of my dick?"

"No, what I felt was the need to taste you but you wouldn't let me." She clamps her hand over her mouth and laughs. Yep, she's drunk. But fuck, that has my dick on high alert.

I step even closer and look her in the eye. "Emma. What I wouldn't give to take you home right now and let you taste all of me. But this is getting old. You need to choose once and for all. Him or me."

I guess I've had enough to drink too.

"What? I did choose. I chose him."

"Did you? Really though? Because I can almost one hundred percent guarantee that if I slid my hand between your legs right now that you would be soaking wet. And I don't see him anywhere around." I rub my finger along her bottom lip. "I also guarantee that if I kissed you right now you wouldn't stop me."

"You think? Why don't you try it?"

I lean in a little more and her breath catches. "I would but then you'll hate me again tomorrow. The next time we kiss it's going to be because you come to me. Make a choice Emma. A real one."

I turn and head to the bar to get another drink. Hunter follows me.

"Jesus man, that looked very intense. I thought the two of you were going to start going at it right there on the table."

"I told her nothing else is happening between us until she makes a real choice. No more of this half ass shit."

"Good for you. As much as I would love to see you and Em get together, David's a decent guy and doesn't deserve that."

"I know." I take my drink and walk back to the table. Just then Kate and Emma are called up for another song. The music starts and now I have to laugh. They're singing a duet. Senorita by Camellia Cabello and Shawn Mendes. They're both swaying their hips and touching all over each other. When Emma sings about knowing the way friends taste Kate makes a very suggestive gesture with two of her fingers and her tongue. They're something else.

When they come back to the table Millie says. "It's no fair that you guys get to have all the fun. Why can't I sing? I want to be able to go up there and fondle my friends."

Kate goes up to her and gives her a hug. "You know you can fondle me anytime." Everyone laughs.

"Leo, you going to sing with me?" I look over at Emma and I start to shake my head no but then she says. "Come on. Its my birthday." She gives me a big smile.

"Fine. You pick." I'm sure I'm asking for trouble but it is her birthday and I'm a sucker.

We do some more dancing, talking and drinking until our names are called.

She chose Closer by the Chainsmokers and Hasley. Damn women. First of all this isn't really something I would normally be caught dead singing. And second of all I don't really want to be singing about getting it on in the back seat of car with her in front of a bunch of people while she has a boyfriend.

She's dancing around, bitting her lip and looking sexy as hell the entire time. She keeps her eyes on me throughout the whole song and she is absolutely killing me. When the songs over I put my hand on her lower back to help her down the steps. We make it down and I still have my hand on her back when we run into David.

"Looks like you two are having fun." He looks pissed.

I reach my hand out and surprisingly he takes it. "Hey David. Glad you could finally make it. I'm going to get a drink."

I walk away and let Emma deal with that. I would only make the situation worse.

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