Time to Think...

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When Leo calls me later that night I let it go to voice-mail. Then I text him and tell him I'm working late and I'll talk to him tomorrow. I just need the night to myself.

I believe him that he was sorry for what he said but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt. He threw what happened between the two of us back in my face. I know what I did to David was wrong but god my feelings for Leo were so strong that I let myself do something that I never thought I would.

Is Leo right? Am I some horrible untrustworthy person? I suddenly feel like a really shitty person. And then he flat out tells me we aren't serious. I know it came out wrong and that's not what he meant. But, again, it has me thinking. What the hell are we doing? In reality we've only been "together" for about a month and a half but somehow it feels very serious. My old fears of him hurting me again resurface.

I decide to take a bath and drink some wine. I need to relax or I'll never sleep tonight with my mind racing.

My phone rings and I ignore it. Then there's a text. I ignore that too. Then I hear someone in my bedroom. Shit, I stand up. I'm about to freak out when I hear him call my name.

"Emma?" He comes to the doorway of the bathroom.

"God dammit Leo. You gave me a heart attack. What the hell are you doing here?"

"You were dodging my calls and I figured you were still pissed at me so I wanted to talk." He starts walking towards the tub and removing clothes along the way. "And since you gave me the garage code I decided to use it."

"What do you think you're doing?"

His shirt, shoes and socks are gone in record time.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He pushes his pants to the floor and then he's standing in front of me naked.

"It looks like you're naked. I just can't figure out why."

"Oh honey if you don't know how this works by now then we have bigger issues than our argument this morning." He reaches out to touch me but I slap his hand away. He raises his eyebrow at me and tries again. I slap him again.

"Leo Baker, you cannot just walk into my house and into my bathroom uninvited and think just because you get naked and start waving that thing around that I'm going to have sex with you when I'm still upset about earlier."

He puts his hands on his hips."Waving what thing around?" He starts to move his hips side to side and looks down at his now swinging dick. "This thing? You mean to tell me that this doesn't do it for you?" He moves his hips faster and then front to back. A laugh escapes me and I cover my mouth. "You don't find this sexy?" I laugh harder then.

He stops and steps in the tub with me. He pulls me against him and looks me in the eye.

"Emma, I'm sorry about earlier. You have to believe me."

I rest my forehead on his chest.

"I do. I'm not mad. I was hurt and it just got me thinking about things. I just wanted tonight to think."

"To think about what things?"

"The kind of person I am. And about us."

He makes me look at him.

"The kind of person you are?"

"Yeah, what I did to David. How I cheated with you. Multiple times. That makes me a bad person. An untrustworthy person. You implied so yourself."

"Hey, no. I was angry and I wasn't thinking when I said that. Shit Emma, you are an amazing person. You are so sweet and compassionate and I know that it killed you to do that to David. And I don't think for one minute that it makes you a bad person. I told you I do trust you. You were right, I was just jealous and acting out. I can be a dick like that sometimes. I'm so sorry." He rubs his hands up and down my back. "What about us?"

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