Male bonding...

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So Lily was right. I did laugh my ass off. Emma was screaming and laughing the entire time. At one point she ran so far ahead of me I thought I lost her. I haven't laughed that hard in I don't know how long.

Afterwards we walked around some more and played a few games before eating some carmel apples.  When it's time to leave I drive her home and walk her to the door. She seems nervous so I wait her out.

"So, I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you."

I lean against the house and play with a strand of her hair as I answer. "You're welcome. I had a lot of fun too. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard. You're adorable when you're scared."

She laughs. "Glad I could entertain you."

"So did I earn that goodnight kiss?"

"Yes, you did."

I stand up straight and tuck the hair behind her ear. Then I cup the back of her head and start by just lightly pressing my lips to hers. When I angle my head to the side she opens up for me. It starts out gentle at first but turns heated quickly. I push her against the door and my free hand goes to her hip. I dig my fingers into her and hold her tight against me. Her hands go to my hips holding me just as tight. Then she slides them under my sweater and moves them over my stomach and up my chest. Her touching my bare skin is enough to drive me crazy. I pull back.

"I better go. Because right now I want nothing more than to be inside you and feel you tight around me. And I promised I would take things slow and that would be the opposite of taking it slow."

She runs a finger nail down my abs and then traces it alone the waist of my pants. She's bitting her lip and she seems to be thinking hard about what to do next. I know if I kiss her again that we could be naked in under five minutes but I also know that she wants to take it slow and that she wants to know that there's more than sex between us. So I do something incredibly hard, I pull her hands out of my sweater and hold them as I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"I'll call you tomorrow and we'll schedule that second date. Goodnight Emma."

As I turn to walk away I hear. "Goodnight Leo."

The next day I get in a workout in my home gym, then I shower and get dressed. Hunter's having all the guys over to watch football but before I leave I decide to call Emma.

"Hello gorgeous. How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty well."

"Really? I thought for sure you would of been restless. I know I was."

"I probably would of been but I met this guy last year and he showed me how to take care of myself. So thanks to him and my new toy I slept just fine."

Well fuck me.

"Is that so? And what kind of toy are we talking about exactly?"

"It's pink, long, thick and it vibrates."

"That sounds fun. You'll have to show me just how you use it next time I get you naked."

"That might be able to be arranged."

"Damn, women. Now I'm going to be walking around with a hard on all day."

She laughs,"That sounds uncomfortable."

"You have no idea. So anyway. What are you up to today?"

"I'm going to Lily's to get some Olivia snuggle time in. She's having all of us girls over while you guys go to Hunters."

"So you girls don't like football?"

"No, we do. We just prefer to watch it without all you men around."

"Nice. So about our second date. When is good for you?"

"This Friday or next Saturday I'm free. Or I can just do dinner during the week on Wednesday and Thursday."

"How about dinner at seven on Wednesday? And then a real date on Friday?"

"Wow, twice in one week. Miss me?"


"Good. That works for me."

I laugh. "Good. I'll make a reservation for seven and pick you up at six thirty, if that's okay?"

"Thats perfect. Have fun with the guys today."

"Thanks. Give Olivia a kiss for me. I'll talk to tomorrow?"

"Okay. Bye."


I head over to Hunters and find that everyone else is already there. Hunter hands me a beer and tells me to make myself at home.

Oliver starts right in. "So how was the big date last night?"

"It was great. We both had a good time."

"You took her to the Fall festival right?"

"Yeah, it was really fun. I didn't go to things like that in Chicago. Emma, is a riot. Her on the haunted trail was the funniest thing I've seen in my life. My sides hurt from laughing so hard."

"Yeah, Lily told me about that. I have yet to experience it myself. That's good. I'm happy for you man."


I decide to move the topic off me. "So Noah, what's going on with you and Kate?"

"I honestly don't know. Everything was going great and then all of the sudden she started pushing me away. I think she might be seeing someone else. But I don't know, she won't tell me whats going on." He turns to Hunter. "Has Millie said anything."

"No. Sorry. I can try and see if she knows anything but I honestly don't know if she would tell me."

Oliver speaks up. "Lily hasn't said anything either. And Lily does tell me everything. I mean everything. So if there's ever anything any of you don't want me knowing then I suggest you make it very clear that Lily not be told. Because those women talk about everything."

Hunter speaks up. "Millie and I are talking about moving in together."

"Wow, thats big news. Congrats. She's good for you." Says Andrew.

"Yes she is." We all say our congrats and then Hunter asks Andrew, "So how are things with you and Julia?"

"Not that good. Things seem to be fizzling out pretty quickly. I think we know its not going to work out but neither of us want to be the one to break it off."

"That sucks. She's really nice. To bad it isn't working out." Noah says as he hands him another beer.

After that the conversation moves off of women and onto work and sports. Overall it's a fun day. It's been awhile since I've hung out with just the guys. 

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