Moving Forward...

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I heard that Emma broke it off with David but yet she hasn't called me or come over. It's been two weeks. I'm not sure what that means for me. Maybe I'll find out tonight.

Tonight's Cassie's showing at a local art gallery and all the proceeds will benefit Eli's Legacy. When Cassie died she had numerous finished peices in her art studio and when I sold her gallery I took whatever peices she had hanging there. I've kept them in storage because I wasn't sure what to do with them. I definitely didn't want to profit off them so when the gallery asked if I had any peices I figured it would be a great way to raise money for the foundation.

I invited everyone to come tonight and last I heard Emma is supposed to be there. Hopefully we get a chance to talk. It's been extremely hard these past two weeks to not just show up on her doorstep and demand to know what's going on.

I decided on a dark grey suit with a sweater vest and tie. Once I'm all ready I head to the gallery early to make sure everything is set up properly. Cassie was the world's sweetest women but when it came to art she was very particular. If things weren't just the way she wanted them she would turn into the wicked witch. God, I miss seeing her get all riled up.

When i get to the gallery and finfd the owner and he walks me around to show me Cassie's peices. There's ten in total. Most of her work is modern abstract paintings. A few of them were painted before before Eli got sick. They're bright and cheerful. Then there's a few she did while he was sick. They're dark and sad. The last two she ever painted were after Eli passed away. One was an abstract of a mother holding a child. And the last one was a nude of a women on floor curled into a ball. It was a self portrait in a way. I didn't find it until after Cass was gone. It broke my heart all over again. Her pain is clearly visible on that canvas. I almost destroyed it because I was so angry that she was in so much pain and I couldn't help her.

People have started to arrive and I'm standing in front of that painting when I feel someone come up behind me. I know who it is before I even turn around. Better yet my body knows who it is.

"It's heartbreaking and beautiful all at once." She says of the painting.

I turn and she takes my breath away. She's in a black form fitting strapless dress that looks like it's made of leather. It has some kind of hooks running down the side. It's very edgy and sexy.

"Yes, it is. Although, to me it's more heartbreaking."

"I can only imagine. She had an amazing talent. You must of been incredibly proud of her."

"I was." I step closer to her. "Emma, you're beautiful."

"Thank you." She gives me a little smile. "You look pretty handsome yourself."

She's about to say more but the rest of the gang walks up to us. Andrew hands Emma a glass of wine and Oliver hands me a bourbon.

Lily gives me hug. "Leo, these paintings are amazing. I want them all."

Oliver laughs, "Keep dreaming honey. I told you, just one. We have college tuitions to pay for."

"Well I don't know how I'm going to pick just one. Olivia may just have to pole dance her way through college." Everyone but Ollie laughs.

"Over my dead body."

Everyone talks for a few more minutes and then the gallery owner comes up to us.

"Excuse me Mister Baker. There's an interested buyer who would like a word with you."

"Okay. Thanks for coming guys. I'll catch up with you in a little bit." They all go to look at the paintings again so Lily can decide which one to buy while I go and talk to the buyer.

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu