To be continued...

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After the fight with Leo I focus all my time on work and spending time with my dad. One weekend I go over and help him go through moms things.

"You're welcome to take whatever you would like of hers. Whatever you don't want we'll give away to charity."

"What about you?"

"I already set aside the things I want to keep. Little things that mean something only to me."

I walk over to her dresser and open her jewelry box. As I pick up different peices I remember what they looked like in her.

"You can take the jewelry box and everything in it. I bought most of the peices for her but some she picked out herself. She would want you to have them. Maybe one day you'll have a daughter of your own to pass them on to."


"Speaking of my future grandchildren how are you and Leo?"

"Not good. We haven't talked in a week and the last time we did I told him how I felt and what I wanted but he told me he couldn't and walked away. So not good at all."

"Emma, I'm sure you two will work it out. He is clearly in love with you and you with him."

"Whether we love each other or not isn't the question. It's whether or not he can move on with his life and allow himself to be happy. I've done everything I can to make him see that I'm here to help him but he just can't see it."

"I'm sorry honey."

"Thanks, dad."

We spend the day going through moms things and reminiscing. There's tears and lots of laughter too.

The following week at work Lily comes into my office.

"Hey Em. Can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure come on in and have a seat."

"Don't you have a doctors appointment today?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving at lunch time. I'm hoping he'll put me in a boot. I'm over these crutches."

"I'm sure you are." She sits forward in her seat. "Em, you know what this weekend is right?"


"Do you still plan on going?"

"Yes. As much as I want to sit home and hide I can't do it. I know how much Cassie's Hope means to Leo and even though we aren't together that doesn't mean I don't want to be there to support him."

"Good. I'm glad. Oliver and I will pick you up."

"You don't have to do that. I can drive myself."

"No, I insist. We'll be there to get you at seven. Do you have a dress?"

"Yes. It will look great with my cast."

"Em, you will look gorgeous no matter what."


That afternoon I go to the doctor and he does put me in a boot. It makes getting around so much easier. I'll still look ridiculous in my dress this weekend but oh well, I cant do anything about it.

The weekend comes around and I spend Saturday laying around until I can't put off getting ready any longer. My dress is a pleated pink tea length dress. I can't wear my normal heals because of my broken foot so I settle on on a low wedge and I put my hair up in a low ponytail.

Lily and Oliver pick me up and we head to the hospital. We walk in the entrance and front and center is Cassie's painting of a mother and child along with a plaque that says:

Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now