I know...

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It's been a rough couple of weeks without Emma. I've been keeping busy with both the foundation and getting Cassie's Hope ready for It's grand opening next month. I've also been taking a lot of time to think about what is I want. What I've come up with is that I'll never have a real future if I don't get help. I'm stuck in the past, in my own grief and if I continue down this road I'm just going to keep hurting people I care about. And I will never truly be happy.

So I decided to start therapy. I've had a few sessions now and I feel like its helping. The therapist is an older women who is very nurturing but at the same time will call me on my bullshit. I really like her.

Its early on Thursday when my phone rings. I'm just getting out of the shower and run to grab my phone without looking to see who it is.


"Leo." Its Emma, I can tell she's been crying.

"Emma, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

She fights back a sob. "My moms dead. She had a heart attack. Leo, she's gone."

"Oh honey. I'm so sorry. Where are you?" I'm scrambling to throw on clothes as I talk to her.

"My dad and I are still at the hospital. They just took her away. My dad is filling out some paperwork. I know I shouldn't of called you but you where the one person I wanted to talk to."

"Em, it's okay. I'm here for you. Do you want me to come get you and your dad? Neither of you are probably in an shape to be driving."

"You don't have to do that. I can drive us."

"No, I'm coming to get you. What hospital are you at?"

"University, in the ER."

"I'm walking out the door now." I grab my keys and head to the garage.



"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I hang up and debate calling Oliver and Lily to tell them whats going on but I decide to wait until I talk to Emma and see what she wants me to do.

As I'm walking into the ER Emma and an older gentleman are walking through some double doors. She looks up and sees me. Then she runs to me and I wrap my arms around her and hold on tight as she weeps. Over her head I see her dad walk towards us.

"Mister Jones, sir, I am so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you. You must be Leo. Please, call me James." He extends his hand and I take it.

"James, I'll give you guys a ride home. Did you drive here?"

"No I rode in the ambulance with Amelia." His voice cracks and he takes a minute to collect himself. "Emma's car is here though."

"No problem. I'll get it later." I keep my arm around Emma as I lead them out to my jeep. Her dad gives me his address and I put it into my GPS. We make the drive in silence. When we get to his house we all get out and I walk to the house with Emma. Her dad goes in and I put my hand on Emma's arm to have her hang back a minute.

"Do you want me to come in?"

"Yes please." I follow her inside. Her dad is standing in the middle of the kitchen staring at some broken glass and the things left behind by the paramedics.

"She was very restless last night. She got out of bed and I asked if she was okay. She said yes, she just wanted a drink of water." He has tears running down his face as he continues to speak calmly. "I heard the glass break and a loud thud. I jumped out of bed and ran to find her on the floor. I called 911 and started CPR but it was too late. My Amelia was gone. She's gone." He breaks then and Emma runs to hold him. I turn and leave the room to give them a moment alone.

I look around the living room and see pictures of Emma at all different ages. She was adorable as a child and despite her saying she was a late bloomer she was stunning as a teenager. And she looks just like her mom. After a few minutes I hear movement behind me. I turn to see her standing in the doorway looking exhausted.

I go to her and push her hair from her face.

"How's your dad?"

"I made him lie down. He's exhausted."

"So are you. I'm guessing you don't want to leave him. Is there somewhere you can lie down here?"

"Yes but I have to clean the mess in the kitchen and make phone calls to friends and family and make funeral-" she start to sob. I pull her into my arms.

"I can clean the kitchen and I'll call Lily and tell her what's going on so she knows you won't be in the office. She can fill in the rest of our friends. As for the rest, it can be handled in a couple of hours after you've gotten some sleep."

"I need to at least call both of their works and let them know." I remember from our conversations that her dad is a financial advisor and her mom was a nurse at a pediatricians office.

"Okay you do that and then you need to lie down." While she makes the calls I clean up the kitchen and call Oliver.


"Yeah. Ollie is Lily with you?"

"She's right here. What's up?"

"Put me on speaker please." He does. "Emma's mom died of a heart attack. I picked her and her dad up from the hospital and brought them back to her parents house."

Lily gasps. "Oh my god. Is Emma okay? How's her dad? What can I do?"

"Right now her dad's lying down and Emma is calling both of her parents employers. I'm going to make her lie down after. She's dead on her feet. Once they've both gotten some rest funeral arrangements will need to be made and family and friends will need to be called."

"I'll make them some food and bring it over later. Tell her I'll also take care of her clients at work."

"Thanks Lil. If you do bring food can you also bring some clothes and things for Emma? She's not going to want to leave her dad for awhile. Also, her cars still at the hospital, so we'll have to figure out how to get that later.

"We can take care of all of that." She pauses. "Leo, I'm not sure how you ended up with her today but I'm glad you're there for her. Take care of our girl, please."

"I've got her, don't worry. I'll keep you guys posted."

Ollie finally speaks up. "Give her our love Leo. Let us know if we can do anything else."

"I will. Thanks guys."

I go into living room and wait as Emma finishes up her call. She's staring out the window and I walk up behind her.

"What am I going to do without her? She's my best friend. It hurts, Leo, it physically hurts." She turns and looks up at me with tears streaming down her face. "There's a pain in my chest. Right here." She rubs over her heart. "I get it. I've never lost anyone before. But I get it now. I get why you shut me out. Pain like this is...God...it's unbearable."

I wipe away her tears. "I know honey. I know."

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