Slow my ass...

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The girls and I are enjoying our day talking about work and which football players are hot. We also talk about the actual game because we really do like football. Then we move onto talk about the guys.

Julia didn't make it today and Lily seems to think that things aren't going great between her and Andrew. She said its just the vibe she got and they haven't been spending as much time together.

"I really thought they were going to work. They made such a cute couple." She says after giving us the scoop.

"You know I think part of the problem is that Andrew has the hots for you Lily." Millie shocks us all.

"What!" I stare wide eyed at Millie as Lily asks, "What makes you say that?"

"I thought it from the first night we met them. Then after everything that happened last year with you being attacked and Oliver being shot you leaned on Andrew and I definitely saw it then. He cares about you. I'm not saying he would ever act on it. Him and Ollie are way to close. But I imagine he'll compare other women to you until he gets over you."

"God dammit Millie. Why would you tell me that. Now things are going to be awkward between us. And if I don't say anything to Ollie then I feel like I'm keeping something big from him."

"Sorry. I can't believe I'm the only one who sees it. Someone else has to."

I sake my head. "I didn't see it. But I'll definitely be paying closer attention now."

Kate laughs. "Yeah me too."

We move on from that bomb shell and Millie drops another one.

"Hunter and I are talking about moving in together."

We all yell and clap our hands. I hug her. "Thats great Millie. You two are perfect for each other."

"Thanks. We're still in the talking phase. We can't decide if we want to live in my house, his or find a new one. But we're excited."

Baby Olivia starts crying and just as Lily's about to go get her Kate offers. While she's gone Millie asks.

"Have either of you noticed anything off about Kate lately?"

Now that she mentions it, Kate has been quiet lately and for her that's very odd. I tell them as much.

Lily agrees. "Yeah, she has been quiet and she seems sad."

Just then Kate walks back in carrying Olivia. "I changed her but I think she's hungry shes trying to eat me."

Lily gets up and walks to her. "Come here pretty girl. You ready to eat?" Lily sits back down and gets comfortable. We've all become accustomed to seeing Lily's boobs as she breast feeds. It really is amazing to watch.

Once she's settled in she looks at Kate. "Hey, you doing okay?"

"Me? Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"We were just talking and you seem a little down these days."

I go sit on the couch by Kate. "You're quieter than normal and seem sad."

"I'm fine really. I've just been tired and a little stressed because of work." Kate works as a brand communications manager for the largest consumer packaged goods company in the world.

"Are you sure? Do you feel okay? Are things okay with you and Noah?" Millie refills Kates glass of wine and hands it to her.

"Yes I'm sure. Like I said I'm just tired. And Noah and I are fine. Things have cooled off a little but we've both been busy."

I take a drink of my wine. "Okay, we'll back off for now. But Kate, if you need us we're here. You know that right?"

"Yes. Thank you. Enough about that. Tell us all about your date."

Lily speaks. "Oh my god! How did we go this long without talking about your date?"

I laugh. "It was good. He planned well and we had a lot of fun. Conversation went well and we laughed alot. We're going to dinner on Wednesday and then another "real date", as he put it, on Friday."

"Okay thats great and all but did you get naked?" Millie gets right to it and I have to laugh at her.

"No we did not. There was kissing but that was it. We're taking it slow."

"That means they'll be naked Friday." Says Kate.

"Well that will be the third date so its allowed." Lily says as she puts her boobs away.

"We'll see. I definitely wanted to last night but I'm the one who said we should take it slow and he's the one who walked away right before I was about to ask him in. He was being a gentleman and respecting my request to take things slow."

"So in other words they'll be naked on Wednesday." Millie says and we all laugh.

We spend the rest of the day taking turns snuggling the baby and just enjoying each other company.

The beginning of the week goes by slowly even though I'm beyond busy at work. But Wednesday night finally rolls around and I'm running late. I text Leo and tell I'm I'm running behind to let himself in and make himself comfortable.

I just finished my make up in the bathroom and I head out to my bedroom when all of the sudden I hear Leo.

"I knocked but-"

He stops dead in his tracks. I'm standing in front of him in a matching black lace bra and panty set.

"I was in the bathroom I didn't hear you."

"Sorry." He steps towards me. "Fuck that. I'm not sorry. And fuck taking it slow." He eats up the distance between us in two strides and then he's kissing me. I let him. And before I know it my hands are pulling his sweater over his head and I'm trailing my fingers all over his exposed skin. I move onto his belt and he kicks off his shoes as I unzip his pants. He helps me get them down and then we're both just in our underwear. He stops kissing me and cups my face in both hands.

"Hello gorgeous." His mouth kicks up in a little smile and I laugh.

"Hello, Leo."

"Is this okay? I got carried away when I saw you because you're fucking sexy as hell but, I can rein it in if you want me too."

I go up on my toes and kiss him lightly. "I don't want you to. I want this. I want you."

"Thank god." Then he picks me up and throws me on the bed. I let out a loud laugh but then he's on top of me, kissing me and there nothing funny about that.

 I let out a loud laugh but then he's on top of me, kissing me and there nothing funny about that

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Love Again (Second Chances Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now