Chapter 16

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At evening the same day a SUV pulled in the street near Happy's garage. Arnav was going to Guptas house when he met Payal who was returning to her tailoring unit to finish some remaining work.

Payal can I talk to you?

Payal  want to refuse, but was afraid. What if he hurt her family in some ways if she refused? So she nodded reluctantly and moved to her unit to have some privacy and avoid her neighbors staring.

Payal I know what ever happened few days back is not acceptable. We were cruel and we deeply regret it. I know the recent happenings with my family is not pleasant but don't judge him with that. Give Akash a chance Payal... Akash loves you very much

"Raizada sir I told your brother I don't feel that way. We are so different from each other that we won't there is no need to waste our time  for impossible things more over  how am I supposed to accept a person from a family who think so low of us?He doesn't know me enough Raizada sir. You should try to discourage him pointing on how poor we are. Didn't you say him I was once rejected in the alter that I have a history of broken marriage . That should have helped you to stop him.

Arnav's eyes went wide. Khushi was telling him the truth that day. He was the reason behind Payal's broken marriage too. Arnav gulped.His actions had caused so much damage to both the sisiters.

"Payal I sorry. I didn't believe her that day...I am so sorry.But I will not discourage Akash to pursue you Payal."

"Why wouldn't you do that?"

"He loves you Payal."

"But my answer remains the same Mr Raizada."

"Why Payal.?"

I" told you Me and Akash won't suit."

It was a mistake Payal on my part and Please don't refuse him on that basis of Social status . It doesn't matter. All that matters is your feelings.

"Really..." Payal gave him a small smile then asked "Does your Mamiji thinks the same. I know your thoughts about my family. How does it change suddenly? Weren't you the one blaming my sister and me trying to trap rich men, no..not exactly. we lure them to their doom. Isn't it? Then how did your opinion on us change suddenly.You know I may have lured Akash too. We are still the same poor sisters who will do anything to trap rich keep your brother away from me."

Arnav closed his eyes in guilt. I ... I shouldn't have said all that.

Nothing matters anymore. Please don't bother me with this proposal anymore. She quickly folded her hand and said namaste and left from there not waiting for Arnav to leave. She need a strong tea to overcome the onset of headache.

A disappointed Arnav later explained everything that happened In Lakshmi Nagar to Akash.

Leave it bhai..She may not be in my destiny .Please don't say any one in our family about this.I don't want any one from our family troubling them.

Arnav agreed.

Days went by.Akash couldn't forget Payal or the feelings he have for her. Every other day he took one or the other car to Happy's garage stating various problems or just in the name of a water service just to see Payal .Where Arnav continued to see Khushi remaining in dark. When Arnav immersed himself in work more to overcome his feelings, Akash lost appetite, lost concentration and interest. He was again found in bar some times . Akash started to make lot of mistakes in his work that Arnav  suggested him to take a brake and have a small vacation. But Akash refused as he doesn't want to lose the chance to at least see Payal from distance. When nothing was helped Akash, Arnav decided to talk to Khushi as she may help in convincing Payal.

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