Chapter 35

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Theo swallowed hard and turned to his sister.

"Hi, Gwen." He said uneasily.

"Before you get mad and start yelling at him it was in self defense." Sirius said jumping in.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on? Why is Theo here? Why is he not at home? And why is my dad dead? Not that I miss that evil lunatic, but he was still my father."

"Dad disowned me two years ago and I've been living here ever since." Theo said hesitantly.

"I'm sorry, what!?! You were the perfect Slytherin loving, blood prejudice son that he always wanted. What changed?" Gwen inquiried.

"Iris happened."

"You didn't even know where I was all this time so, how would you know about my daughter?" Gwen demanded.

"He's talking about me, mum. I know this is all confusing to you, but it's me mum. Dad sent me here to change the future." Iris answered stepping forward. Gwen looked at her stunned.

"She looks just like you, James." She whispered.

"Hi, Mum." The last time Iris had seen her mother was three years earlier and she had gotten into a fight with her causing her magic to go haywire.

"Please tell me you didn't inherit your father's love for pranks."

Iris and Remmy burst out laughing.

"This is just great." Gwen said dryly.

"You think I'm bad? Remmy's worse."

"Wait there are two of you." Gwen said, taken aback.

"Him, he's a nobody." Iris said quickly.

"How rude. I'm offended." Remmy gasped dramatically.

"Remmy, it's too much info for her to take in at once." Iris pointed out.

"She has a right to know. I am her son after all. You know exactly what they say, I look exactly like my father with my mother's eyes." Remmy said. Gwen stood there stunned while Sirius walked over to Remmy and lifted his chin. He looked at Remmy and then at Gwen and James.

"Yep, he looks as ugly as you and has her blue eyes." He said. James smacked him in the back of the head. 


"I'm sorry, who are you?" Gwen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Sirius Black." He said kissing her hand.

"Padfoot, step away from my wife." James said firmly, grabbing a hold of Sirius' arm and dragging him away.

"Anyway can we get back to the important conversation. You know about my brother killing my father."

Theo's face went white.

"I-I... it was an accident. He was trying to kill me." Theo blurted out.

"Dad was trying to kill you?" Gwen said not believing him.

"Well, if you want to know all the details you could blame Harry. Sirius and Harry were the reason we were in the ministry in the first place. Then the next thing we knew was that there were death eaters everywhere. We were lucky to make it out alive. So, when dad came up to fight me I didn't know what spell I was using and accidentally killed him." Theo rambled looking down at the floor. Gwen brought her younger brother in for a hug.

"It's not your fault." She said reassuringly.

"Awww.... group hug." Remmy yelled, running over to them. He wrapped his arms around both of them and squeezed.

Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now